Los Angeles County City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

3 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Board Of Supervisors

Agenda Posted: February 14, 2025

Filters for matters
  1. Consent Calendar

    Fiscal Year 2025-26 Departmental Budget Presentations Pursuant to Section 25⅔ of the County Charter, as amended by the Measure G Charter Amendment (as approved by voters in the November 5, 2024, General Election), Department Head presentations to the Board of Supervisors by the following Departments of their Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget requests: District Attorney Sheriff Probation Economic Opportunity County Counsel Public Defender Alternate Public Defender Justice, Care and Opportunities Youth Development *Presentations not completed are automatically continued to a future Departmental Budget Presentation meeting date.

Board Of Supervisors

Agenda Posted: February 13, 2025 Meeting Televised: Wednesday, February 19, 2025 At 11:00 P.m. On Klcs

Filters for matters
  1. Consent Calendar

    Items not on the posted agenda, to be presented and (if requested) referred to staff or placed on the agenda for action at a future meeting of the Board, or matters requiring immediate action because of an emergency situation or where the need to take immediate action came to the attention of the Board subsequent to the posting of the agenda. BOARD MEMBERS - (3)
  2. Consent Calendar

    Recommendations by individual Supervisors to establish, extend or otherwise modify cash rewards for information concerning crimes, consistent with the Los Angeles County Code.
  3. Consent Calendar

    Appointments to Commissions/Committees/Special Districts Revised recommendations for appointment/reappointment or removal for Commissions/Committees/Special Districts (+ denotes reappointments): Documents on file in the Executive Office. Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath Walter Marks III+, Board of Governors, Department of Museum of Natural History Maureen Tamuri, Local Agency Formation Commission Supervisor Janice Hahn Andy Perez, Economic Development Corporation of Los Angeles County Supervisor Kathryn Barger Anthony Bell+, Commission on Alcohol and Other Drugs Harry Leon+, Consumer Affairs Advisory Commission; also waive limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.13.030B Tessie Shih+, Library Commission Jack Darakjian+, Los Angeles County Commission on Disabilities: also waive limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.100.030A Marilyn Sparks+, Los Angeles County Commission on Insurance: also waive limitation of length of service requirement pursuant to County Code Section 3.35.030B Robert Thomas Guthrie+, Los Angeles County Highway Safety Commission
  4. Consent Calendar

    Report on the General Relief Program Redesign Report by the Director of Public Social Services with recommendations for the General Relief Program redesign, including options for funding, as requested at the Board meeting of December 3, 2024. RECEIVE AND FILE (Continued from the meeting of 1-14-25)
  5. Consent Calendar

    Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Eric Gonzalez, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of the matter entitled, Eric Gonzalez, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., United States District Court Case No. 2:22-cv-08525, in the amount of $200,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Sheriff's Department's budget. This civil rights lawsuit against the Sheriff's Department alleges unreasonable search and seizure at Plaintiffs' home.
  6. Consent Calendar

    Executive Office of the Board Lease Amendment Recommendation: Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute a proposed lease amendment with GCS Emerald, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, GCS Palms LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; and GCS Equity LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, (Landlord), for approximately 9,782 sq ft of office space and 41 on-site parking spaces located at 312 South Hill Street in Los Angeles (Premises) (1) to be occupied by the Executive Office of the Board, for a term of three years, with an estimated maximum first year base rental amount of $300,000, with a one-month rent abatement of approximately $13,000, will equal $287,000, the estimated total proposed lease amendment amount of $861,000 over the three-year term, the rental amount will be funded by 100% Net County Cost (NCC) that is already included in the Executive Office’s existing budget, the Executive Office of the Board will not be requesting additional NCC for this action; authorize the Chief Executive Officer to execute any other ancillary documentation necessary to effectuate the proposed lease amendment, to take actions necessary and appropriate to implement the proposed lease amendment including, without limitation, exercising any early termination rights and up to two options to extend at six months each at an amount of $25,750 per month; and find that the proposed lease amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act.
  7. Consent Calendar

    Countywide Classification/Compensation Actions Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries, to add two new unclassified classifications for the Executive Office of the Board of Supervisors and the Department of Parks and Recreation; change the titles and salaries of three represented classifications for Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association; delete seven represented classifications and three non-represented classifications; and reclassify 91 positions in the Departments of Agricultural Commissioner/ Weights and Measures, Consumer and Business Affairs, County Counsel, Health Services, Justice, Care and Opportunities, Public Social Services, Public Works, and Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. (Relates to Agenda No. 44)
  8. Consent Calendar

    Fiscal Year 2024-25 Various Budget Units Appropriation Adjustments Recommendation: Approve operating budgets appropriation adjustments necessary to realign and adjust the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024-25 Final Adopted Budget; approve capital projects appropriation adjustments necessary to realign and adjust the FY 2024-25 Final Adopted Budget for various County Departments and capital projects; and find that the proposed actions are not considered a project under the California Environmental Quality Act. 3- and 4-VOTES
  9. Consent Calendar

    Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Ricardo Lopez-Garcia v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Recommendation: Authorize a settlement of the matter entitled, Ricardo Lopez-Garcia v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 19STCV07044, in the amount of $1,300,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Sheriff's Department’s budget; and this lawsuit is arising out of a use force incident on March 8, 2018, involving a taser. (County Counsel) APPROVE
  10. Consent Calendar

    Recruitment Marketing Campaign Services Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Personnel to execute a contract with 9th Wonder Global, LLC for the provision of recruitment marketing campaign services to develop a Countywide brand dedicated to establishing a recruitment brand, effective February 18, 2025 through February 17, 2027, with a one-year extension option, for a maximum total contract term of three years; and execute the extension option, and any non-substantive changes, as well as add or change the terms and conditions required by the Board. (Department of Human Resources) APPROVE
  11. Consent Calendar

    Immigration Legal Assistance for Abused and Neglected Children Sole Source Contract Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Children and Family Services to execute an amendment to a contract with Bet Tzedek Legal Services for Immigration Legal Assistance for Abused and Neglected Children, to extend the term for one year, effective March 15, 2025 through March 14, 2026, with an option to extend for six months, with a maximum annual contract amount of $500,000, and an additional $250,000 for the additional six month extension, 100% financed using 2011 State Realignment funds; exercise the extension options, provided that sufficient funding is available; execute future amendments to make changes to contract terms and conditions, or increase or decrease the contract amount by no more than 10% of the maximum contract amount; and terminate the contract for convenience or default. (Department of Children and Family Services) APPROVE
  12. Consent Calendar

    Annual Abatement of Hazardous Vegetation Revised recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County and the Consolidated Fire Protection District, adopt a resolution and establish the following dates, times, and locations for Hearings of Protest before the Weed Abatement and Brush Clearance Referees; and set March 25, 2025 at 9:30 a.m. for Public Hearing on a Weed Abatement and Defensible Space Clearance Program: (Department of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures and Fire Department) ADOPT (Continued from the meetings of 1-14-25 and1-28-25) March 8, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. located at 5757 South Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles; March 14, 2025, from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. located at 30001 Ladyface Court, Agoura Hills; March 12, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. located at 12300 Lower Azusa Road, Arcadia; March 7, 2025, from 5:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. located at 1234 Valencia Avenue, Hacienda Heights; March 13, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. located at 335 East Avenue K-10, Lancaster; March 15, 2025, from 9:30 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. located at 23920 Valencia Boulevard, Santa Clarita; and March 8, 2025, from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. located at 5504 Crestridge Road, Rancho Palos Verdes.
  13. Consent Calendar

    Environmental Testing and Consulting Services Contracts Recommendation: Authorize the Executive Director of the Los Angeles County Development Authority to execute contracts with Barr & Clark, Inc. and Lead Tech Environmental, for the provision of environmental testing and consulting services, for an initial term of one year, at an annual amount not to exceed $2,400,000, to be shared between the two contracts, using program funds included in the Los Angeles County Development Authority’s (LACDA’s) approved Fiscal Year 2024-25 budget; find that approval of the contracts is not subject to the California Environmental Quality Act; and authorize the Executive Director to take the following actions: (Los Angeles County Development Authority) APPROVE Exercise annual extensions to extend the contracts by up to four additional years, for a maximum term of five years, using funds to be requested through LACDA’s annual budget approval process, execute amendments to the contracts to extend the term, an assignment should the original contracting entity merge, be acquired, or otherwise have a change of entity, update terms and conditions, approve necessary changes to the scope of work, as well as, if necessary, terminate for convenience; and Execute amendments to the contracts to apply annual Cost of Living Adjustments, if requested by the contractors, and to increase the annual compensation by up to $240,000 (10% of the annual compensation), as needed for unforeseen costs.
  14. Consent Calendar

    Sole Source Concession Agreement Amendment Recommendation: Authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute an amendment to a sole source agreement with Renaissance Entertainment Productions, Inc., for the operation of a Renaissance Theme Faire Concession at the Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area (1), to extend the agreement for an additional one-year term, provide a one-time payment to support a capital improvement project, and incorporate a community benefit requirement; and find that the recommended amendment is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Parks and Recreation) APPROVE
  15. Consent Calendar

    Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the County, the County Library, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley (5), adopt a Negotiated Property Tax Exchange Joint Resolution approving and accepting the negotiated exchange of property tax revenue resulting from Annexation 40-164 (4-220), Local Agency Formation Commission Designation 2024-04, on behalf of the County, the County Library, the Consolidated Fire Protection District, and the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley; find that the district resulting from the annexation may be more efficiently and economically operated than if a separate district were formed; authorize the Director of Public Works, County Librarian and the Chief of the Consolidated Fire Protection District, on behalf of the County, the County Waterworks District No. 40, Antelope Valley, and the Consolidated Fire Protection District, to take all actions necessary to effectuate the resolution; and find that the proposed activities are either not a project, or exempt, from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) ADOPT
  16. Consent Calendar

    Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board Findings and Orders Recommendation: Adopt the findings and orders of the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board, which provides for the arrest and abatement of neighborhood deterioration and the elimination of unsightly, unsafe, and unhealthy conditions, which constitute a public nuisance at the following unincorporated locations; and approve a new compliance date of 30 days from the date of Board approval, ensuring property owners have adequate time to meet the prescribed conditions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 1218 West 101 Street, Los Angeles (2); and 1319 West 118 Street, Los Angeles (2).
  17. Consent Calendar

    Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board Findings and Orders Recommendation: Adopt the findings and orders of the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board, which provides for the arrest and abatement of neighborhood deterioration and the elimination of unsightly, unsafe, and unhealthy conditions, which constitute a public nuisance at the following unincorporated locations; and approve a new compliance date of 30 days from the date of Board approval, ensuring property owners have adequate time to meet the prescribed conditions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 5120 Carolina Place, Los Angeles (1) 608 School Avenue, Los Angeles (1); and 1268 Grossmont Drive, Whittier (1).
  18. Consent Calendar

    Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board Findings and Orders Recommendation: Adopt the findings and orders of the Building Rehabilitation Appeals Board, which provides for the arrest and abatement of neighborhood deterioration and the elimination of unsightly, unsafe, and unhealthy conditions, which constitute a public nuisance at the following unincorporated locations; and approve a new compliance date of 30 days from the date of Board approval, ensuring property owners have adequate time to meet the prescribed conditions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 5331 Columbia Way, Lancaster (5) 6201 East Avenue G8, Lancaster (5) 16717 Sweetaire Avenue, Lancaster (5) 9243 East Avenue U, Littlerock (5) 36056 87th Street East, Littlerock (5) 17140 Glenfall Avenue, Palmdale (5) 12632 East Avenue V14, Pearblossom (5); and 9071 Camino Real, San Gabriel (5).
  19. Consent Calendar

    Puente Hills Landfill Park Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Certify that Addendum No. 1 for Phase 1 of the park development to the previously certified Puente Hills Landfill Park Master Plan Final Program Environmental Impact Report (FPEIR) has been completed in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and reflects the independent judgment and analysis of the County; find that the Board has reviewed and considered the information contained in Addendum No. 1 together with the previously certified FPEIR prior to approving the revisions to the Master Plan, and approve Addendum No. 1; adopt a Phase 1A total project budget of $105,000,000, and authorize the Director of Public Works to amend the existing Construction Manager at Risk Pre Construction and Construction Services Agreement (Agreement) with The PENTA Building Group, LLC (PENTA), to provide construction services for the Puente Hills Landfill Park Project Phase 1A (Project) (1) for a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $61,000,500, contingent upon submission of acceptable performance and payment bonds and evidence of required insurance filed by the Construction Manager at Risk; approve an appropriation adjustment for the Puente Hills County Regional Park Development, Capital Project No. 69984, for $57,167,000, offset with $34,667,000 from the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts settlement, $10,000,000 from the State Department of Parks and Recreation Grant, and $12,500,000 from the State Wildlife Conservation Board Grant to fully fund Phase 1A and to continue design/preconstruction activities and regulatory approvals for Phases 1B and 1C; authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to execute the Property Documents and any other Puente Hills Landfill property-related documents with the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts and other entities to construct, occupy, operate, and maintain the proposed Project; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) ADOPT 4-VOTES Amend the existing Agreement with PENTA in the amount of $1,983,646 for additional preconstruction services for Phases 1B and 1C from $2,566,354 to an amount not to exceed $4,550,000; Amend the existing Architectural/Engineering Consultant Services Agreement with HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR), to provide additional Architectural/Engineering and support services for the Project for an additional not-to-exceed contract amount of $6,518,476, which would amend the consultant services agreement from $7,781,524 to an amount not-to-exceed $14,300,000; and Supplement the consultant services agreement with HDR and the Agreement with PENTA by up to 25% of the revised contract amounts.
  20. Consent Calendar

    Civic Center Power Plant Boilers and Chillers Replacement Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Approve the revised Capital Project budget of $106,100,000 in Net County Cost funding, increasing the previous Board-approved budget for the Civic Center Power Plant Boilers and Chillers Replacement Project, Capital Project (CP) No. 87735 (1) budget by $10,000 from $96,100,000 to $106,100,000; establish and approve the Civic Center Power Plant Boilers and Chillers Replacement Project, CP No. 89149, with a total budget of $135,900,000, to be financed through the Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Lease Revenue Note Program, and approve a total combined project budget of $242,000,000 for CP Nos. 87735 and 89149; authorize the issuance of short-term Lease Revenue Commercial Paper Notes through the County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Lease Revenue Note Program and/or long-term bonds to finance the remaining estimated project costs and any project costs initially funded through the lease revenue commercial paper notes proceeds for an amount not to exceed $135,900,000; approve and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute an amendment to the Construction Manager at Risk Preconstruction and Construction Services Agreement with Gilbane Building Company for a Guaranteed Maximum Price of $153,600,000 to proceed with the construction services for the Civic Center Power Plant Boilers and Chillers Replacement Project; and find that the recommended actions are within the scope of the previous exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
  21. Consent Calendar

    Rancho Los Amigos South Campus County Office Building Project Construction Contract Recommendation: Find that the recommended actions, including authorization to execute a contract amendment with Sundt Construction, Inc., for Phase 2 of the previously approved Rancho Los Amigos South Campus County Office Building Project, Capital Project No. 67959 (Project) located at 7601 East Imperial Highway in the City of Downey (4), were previously analyzed in the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Project, which the Board, acting as lead agency, certified on June 23, 2020, in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and that there have been no changes to the previously approved Project or the circumstances under which it will be undertaken that will result in any new significant effects not discussed in the FEIR, or any significant environmental effects that would be more severe than shown in the FEIR, further find that the previously adopted Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, approved Findings of Fact, and Statement of Overriding Consideration, approved by the Board at the time of Project approval, continue to apply to the currently proposed actions; approve the Project with a total Project budget of $479,689,000; authorize the issuance of short-term lease revenue commercial paper notes through the Los Angeles County Capital Asset Leasing Corporation Lease Revenue Note Program and/or long-term bonds to finance the remaining estimated Project costs and any Project costs initially funded through the lease revenue commercial paper notes proceeds in an amount up to $446,674,000; approve an appropriation adjustment to increase appropriation and revenue by $27,000,000 in the Lease Revenue Obligation Notes - General Facilities Capital Improvement Fund for the Project, to fully fund the estimated Fiscal Year 2024-25 project expenditures; and authorize the Director of Public Works to take the following actions: (Department of Public Works) APPROVE 4-VOTES Execute an amendment to the design build contract to Sundt Construction, Inc., for Phase 2 of the Project (design completion and construction) with a contract amount of $373,300,000 and a maximum contract amount of $407,400,000 for the Project, which will include a design completion allowance of $16,500,000, a utility connection fee allowance of $1,600,000, and a furniture, fixtures, equipment, securities, and audio/visual allowance of $16,000,000, subject to receipt by the County of acceptable Faithful Performance and Payment for Labor and Materials Bonds and evidence of required contract insurance filed by the design-build entity; establish the effective date of the contract upon receipt of acceptable performance, payment bonds, and evidence of required insurance; and take all actions necessary and appropriate to fully deliver the Project; Execute a consultant services agreement for building-related inspection, monitoring, and testing services with Kleinfelder, Inc., for an amount not to exceed $5,500,000 and establish the effective date following Board approval for the work being carried out in Phase 2; In coordination with the Chief Executive Officer, exercise control of the design completion allowance, including the authority to reallocate the allowance into the contract amount, to resolve cost issues with Sundt Construction, Inc., that are identified during the design phase of the Project, such as changes resulting from unforeseen conditions, including construction-related impacts; and Exercise control of the furniture, fixtures, equipment, securities and audio/visual, and the utility connection fee allowances, including the authority to reallocate the allowance into the contract amount.
  22. Consent Calendar

    Advanced Life Support Billing Study Services Contract Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire Protection District (District), approve and instruct the Fire Chief to execute a contract between the District and Davis Farr for Advanced Life Support billing study services, effective March 1, 2025; authorize the combined maximum contract amount of $1,250,000, including the initial contract term of four years and 12 month-to-month extension options for a maximum contract term of five years, with the maximum contract amount comprised of annual expenditures of $250,000 per contract year; execute amendments, suspensions, or termination if deemed necessary, including any extensions as previously described and in accordance with the approved contract terms and conditions, provided the amounts payable under such amendments do not exceed the $250,000 annual budget; and find that the contract is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE
  23. Consent Calendar

    Mission Equipment Systems, Final Outfitting, and Configuration of One Bell 412 EPX Helicopter Acquisition Recommendation: Acting as the Governing Body of the Consolidated Fire Protection District (District), approve the District’s request and authorize the Director of Internal Services, as the County’s Purchasing Agent, to proceed with the solicitation and acquisition of mission equipment systems, final outfitting, and configuration of one Bell 412 EPX helicopter, system publications, and associated pilot and mechanical training, for a total acquisition amount not to exceed $4,000,000, including sales tax; approve a Fiscal Year 2024-25 appropriation adjustment to transfer $4,000,000 from the District’s Helicopter Accumulated Capital Outlay (ACO) Fund - Committed for Program Expansion to the District’s Helicopter ACO Fund Capital Assets - Equipment appropriation for the acquisition of mission equipment systems, final outfitting, and configuration for one Bell 412 EPX; authorize the Fire Chief and the Director of Internal Services to complete and execute all necessary purchasing documents related to the acquisition of mission equipment systems, associated change orders and pre-payments for the outfitting and configuration; and find that this purchase is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Fire Department) APPROVE 4-VOTES
  24. Consent Calendar

    Report on the Status of the Probation Department Report by the Chief Probation Officer on the status of the Probation Department, including efforts to bring Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall into compliance, with the Directors of Health Services, Mental Health, Public Health, Internal Services, Youth Development, Personnel, and the Superintendent of Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of Education available for questions, as requested at the Board Meeting of January 14, 2025. RECEIVE AND FILE
  25. Consent Calendar

    Settlement of the Matter Entitled, Andrea Cifuentes, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al. Los Angeles County Claims Board's recommendation: Authorize settlement of the matter entitled, Andrea Cifuentes, et al. v. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 24STCV06950, in the amount of $1,327,000, and instruct the Auditor-Controller to draw a warrant to implement this settlement from the Department of Health Services' budget. This medical malpractice lawsuit arises from the death of a patient during surgery at Los Angeles General Hospital.
  26. Consent Calendar

    Antelope Valley Community College District Levying of Taxes Request from the Antelope Valley Community College District (District): Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s 2025 General Obligation Refunding Bonds (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $47,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the 2025-26 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT
  27. Consent Calendar

    Manhattan Beach Unified School District Levying of Taxes Request from the Manhattan Beach Unified School District (District): Adopt a resolution authorizing the County to levy taxes in an amount sufficient to pay the principal of, and interest on, the District’s 2024 General Obligation Bonds, Series A (Bonds), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $50,000,000; and direct the Auditor-Controller to maintain on the 2025-26 tax roll, and all subsequent tax rolls, taxes sufficient to fulfill the requirements of the debt service schedule for the Bonds that will be provided to the Auditor-Controller by the District following the sale of the Bonds. ADOPT
  28. Continued

    Continue local emergencies as a result of the following: (a) Discovery of an infestation of fruit flies, as proclaimed on May 10, 1990; (b) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons exist on the basis of pervasive and pernicious homelessness in Los Angeles County, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on January 10, 2023; (c) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property arose as a result of severe winter storms beginning January 1, 2023 affecting areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on January 10, 2023 and ratified by the Board on January 17, 2023; (d) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property on the basis of the frigid winter storms beginning February 23, 2023 affecting the areas throughout Los Angeles County, as proclaimed on March 1, 2023 and ratified by the Board on March 7, 2023; (e) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of the arrival, presence, and impacts of Tropical Storm Hilary throughout Los Angeles County beginning August 20, 2023, as proclaimed on August 20, 2023 and ratified by the Board on August 22, 2023; (f) Conditions of disaster or of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist on the basis of winter storms in the County beginning February 1, 2024, as proclaimed on February 4, 2024 and ratified by the Board on February 6, 2024; (g) Conditions of extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Bridge Fire in the County beginning on September 8, 2024, as proclaimed on September 10, 2024 and ratified by the Board on September 17, 2024; (h) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the Franklin Fire in the County beginning on December 9, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 10, 2024; (i) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property within the territorial limits of the County exist at Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall caused and/or exacerbated by the Board of State and Community Corrections’ order to immediately shutter Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall, the only available juvenile hall in the County, beginning on December 12, 2024, as proclaimed and ratified by the Board on December 17, 2024; and (j) Conditions of disaster or extreme peril to the safety of persons and property exist as a result of the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events in the County, beginning on January 7, 2025, as proclaimed on January 7, 2025 and ratified by the Board on January 14, 2025.
  29. Continued

    Discussion on the impact of rain storms, flooding, high-surf and swells, and any other weather-related or natural disaster event in Los Angeles County associated with El Niño, to include the County’s preparedness and ability to coordinate response and recovery activities, as requested by the Board at the meeting of January 12, 2016.
  30. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions relating to the County’s homeless crisis, as requested at the Board meeting of May 17, 2016, and proclaimed as a local emergency on January 10, 2023.
  31. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on the progress of issues related to Exide, as requested at the Board meeting of June 8, 2016.
  32. Continued

    Discussion on the status of the Federal and/or State Budgets, Federal and/or State legislative matters and Executive Orders, and their impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the meeting of January 17, 2017.
  33. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues or action taken by the Federal government relating to immigration policies, as requested by Supervisors Barger and Solis at the meeting of January 17, 2017 and revised by Supervisors Solis and Hahn on September 12, 2017.
  34. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, health reform and its impact on Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisor Ridley-Thomas at the Board meeting of February 21, 2017.
  35. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions on issues related to the implementation of Measure H, as requested by Supervisors Ridley-Thomas and Hahn at the Board meeting of March 14, 2017.
  36. Continued

    Discussion and consideration of necessary actions related to declared outbreaks of infectious disease threatening the public’s health in Los Angeles County, as requested by Supervisors Solis and Hahn at the Board meeting of April 30, 2019.
  37. Continued

    CONFERENCE REGARDING POTENTIAL THREATS TO PUBLIC SERVICES OR FACILITIES (Government Code Section 54957) Briefing by Sheriff Robert Luna or his designee and related emergency services representatives.
  38. Consent Calendar

    Report on the Status of Adopting a Global Plan for the Probation Department’s Halls and Camps Report by the Chief Probation Officer with an update on the status of adopting a Global Plan for the Probation Department’s Halls and Camps, as requested at the Board meeting of March 21, 2023. RECEIVE AND FILE (Continued from the meeting of 2-11-25)
  39. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business, and Wage Regulations Amendments Recommendation: Approve an ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business, and Wage Regulations, to delete Chapter 8.203 - COVID-19 Food Delivery Platforms and add Chapter 8.46 - Food Delivery Platforms, create more protections for consumers and restaurants in the unincorporated communities that contract with third party food delivery platforms, and update County Code language related to third party food delivery services that was adopted during the COVID-19 emergency, the ordinance modifies the current County Code by requiring that the food delivery platforms offer a basic delivery service at a maximum rate of 15% of the total amount of a food order, while also allowing the platforms to contract with restaurants to provide additional services for additional fees. (Department of Economic Opportunity) APPROVE (Relates to Agenda No. 45)
  40. On Agenda

    Telephonic Public Comment To address the Board during the live hybrid meeting call (877) 226-8163 and enter Participant Code: 1336503 starting at 12:30 p.m. Note: Connect up to 30 minutes before the meeting begins. The operator will take your name, item number(s) you wish to address and place you in a “listening-only” queue. Please listen carefully to the instructions on providing live testimony to the Board. You will need to press 1 then 0 to be moved into a “speaking” queue when the item(s) you wish to address is called. You will hear, “You are in queue.” When it is your turn, the moderator will call your name and open your phone line. Note: Your line will be muted when your time expires, and you will be moved back to the “listening-only” queue. Note: If you press 1 then 0 twice, you will hear, “You are removed from the queue.” If you are inadvertently removed, you may press 1 then 0 to be placed back into the “speaking” queue. For additional instructions and tips, please visit our website at: Call-in Instructions and Tips Listen Only To listen only by telephone call (877) 873-8017 and enter the access code when prompted: Access Code for English: 111111 Access Code for Spanish: 222222. Written Testimony Written public comments may be submitted through our website at: https://publiccomment.bos.lacounty.gov, which will become part of the official record.
  41. Header

    Recommendation by individual Supervisors that the Board adjourn the meeting in memory of deceased persons and/or commemoration of ceremonial occasions.
  42. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business, and Wage Regulations Amendment Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 8 - Consumer Protection, Business and Wage Regulations to delete Chapter 8.203 - COVID-19 Food Delivery Platforms and add Chapter 8.46 - Food Delivery Platforms, Chapter 8.46 adopts portions of the former Chapter 8.203 but also establishes a new food delivery fee cap, exempts food delivery platforms from the new cap if the platform offers a core delivery service with a maximum fee cap, allows restaurants and food delivery platforms to contract for additional services in return for higher fees, and requires transparency in fee-for-services agreements between restaurants and food delivery platforms. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING, AND PLACE ON AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 18)
  43. Consent Calendar

    County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Ordinance Amendment Ordinance for introduction amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries by adding and establishing the salary for two employee classifications; deleting three employee classifications; and adding, deleting, and/or changing certain employee classifications and number of ordinance positions in the Departments of Agricultural Commissioner/Weights and Measures, Consumer and Business Affairs, County Counsel, Health Services, Justice, Care and Opportunities, Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association, Public Social Services, Public Works, and Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. INTRODUCE, WAIVE READING AND PLACE ON AGENDA FOR ADOPTION (Relates to Agenda No. 14)
  44. Consent Calendar
    Set Matter

    Report on the County’s Implementation of the People Experiencing Homelessness Missions Report by the Executive Director of the Homeless Initiative on the implementation of the people experiencing homelessness missions, including each Department’s utilization of the Emergency Proclamation’s tools and delegated authorities, as requested at the Board meeting of October 3, 2023. RECEIVE AND FILE (Continued from the meetings of 1-7-25 and 2-4-25)
  45. Consent Calendar

    Report on the Implementation of the California Public Safety Realignment Act Report by the Public Safety Realignment Team on the status of implementation of the California Public Safety Realignment Act (AB 109), as requested at the Board meeting of December 11, 2012, and updated on May 31, 2016; and approve the updated AB 109 Community Corrections Partnership Implementation Plan. RECEIVE AND FILE (Continued from the meeting of 1-21-25)
  46. Consent Calendar

    Conflict of Interest Codes Executive Officer of the Board’s recommendation: Approve the Conflict of Interest Codes for Gateway Cities Affordable Housing Trust, El Monte Union High School District, Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Santa Clarita Valley School Food Services Agency, and Sulphur Springs Union School District to be effective the day following the Board’s approval.
  47. Consent Calendar

    Understanding the Fiscal Impact of Proposition 36 on County Programs Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Hahn: Direct the Chief Executive Officer and the Director of Justice Care and Opportunities, in collaboration with all Departments that have received funding from the California Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Fund, to report back to the Board in writing in 60 days with a landscape analysis of County programs and services that have previously been funded by the Safe Neighborhoods and Schools State funds that could be impacted by the reduction in funding from the passage of Proposition 36, with the analysis to include the following: How much funding each program has received annually from the State; Population (e.g. youth, domestic violence survivors, incarcerated individuals, etc.) and number of people served by the programs; and Anticipated State funding reductions due to the passage of Proposition 36 and their potential impact on the above programs.
  48. Consent Calendar

    Motion for Teach Democracy’s 44th Annual State Mock Trial Competition Parking Fee Waiver on March 14 and 15, 2025, at an estimated amount of $6,000, as submitted by Supervisor Barger.
  49. To Be Introduced

    County Code, Title 6 - Salaries Amendment Ordinance for adoption amending County Code, Title 6 - Salaries relating to the Los Angeles County Employees Retirement Association (LACERA) only, by amending Tier I and Tier II Management and Appraisal and Performance Plan salary tables specific to LACERA; and changing the salaries and/or effective dates of various LACERA non-represented classes to denote class designation changes in conjunction with the Tier I and Tier II Management Appraisal and Performance Plan, and reflect a 3% general salary adjustment effective October 1, 2024, for Non-Represented LACERA Classifications applicable only to LACERA, and a 3% salary adjustment for Classifications subject to the provisions of the Management Appraisal and Performance Plan effective January 1, 2025. ADOPT 4-VOTES
  50. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Initiation of Litigation (one case).
  51. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer and designated staff. All individual member unions of the Coalition of County Unions, AFL CIO; SEIU, Local 721; All affiliated member unions of SEIU; All affiliated member unions of AFSCME Council 36; Los Angeles County Deputy Public Defenders Union; Program Managers Association; Child Support Attorneys; Supervising Child Support Officers; and Probation Directors.
  52. Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Jane Doe 1 et al. v. County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 21STCV20949, and All AB 218 Cases Filed Against the County of Los Angeles.
  53. Consent Calendar

    Fiscal Year 2025-26 Departmental Budget Presentation Pursuant to Section 25⅔ of the County Charter, as amended by the Measure G Charter Amendment (as approved by voters in the November 5, 2024 General Election), Department Head presentation to the Board of Supervisors by the following department of their Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget request: Regional Planning *Presentations not completed are automatically continued to a future Departmental Budget Presentation meeting date.
  54. Consent Calendar

    Temporary Waiver of Wasteshed Restriction and Increase in Disposal Tonnage Limits at Local Landfills Recommendation: Find that the temporary waiver of the wasteshed restrictions at the Calabasas Landfill to allow it to accept debris generated by the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events is necessary to eliminate immediate threats to life, public health and safety, and improved property, and to ensure economic recovery of the affected communities to the benefit of the community-at-large; authorize the Calabasas Landfill to temporarily accept material from outside of the wasteshed to accommodate the emergency disposal of debris generated by the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events, effective immediately and continuing for six 6 months initially, with a possible extension options, as necessary, by the Director of Public Works, in concert with the Chief Engineer of the County Sanitation Districts, as part of disaster response and recovery efforts and when it is in the public interest to do so, provided that the excess tonnage amounts consist solely of debris resulting from the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events; authorize the Sunshine Canyon and Lancaster Landfills to temporarily increase their tonnage limits effective immediately and continuing for 120 days initially, with an option of extension by the Board, upon joint recommendation from the Directors of Public Health and Public Works, as part of disaster response and recovery efforts and when it is in the public interest to do so, provided that the excess tonnage amounts consist solely of debris resulting from the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events; and find that the proposed activities recommended herein are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act. (Department of Public Works) APPROVE
  55. Consent Calendar

    Motion for L.A. Chinatown Firecracker Lunar New Year 5K/10K Run/Walk, Bike Rides, Kiddie Run, and Paw’er Dog Walk Event Fee Waiver on March 8 and 9, 2025, at an estimated amount of $800, as submitted by Supervisor Solis.
  56. Consent Calendar

    Motion for the Lunar New Year Reception Fee Waiver on February 28, 2025, at an estimated amount of $7,000, as submitted by Supervisor Solis.
  57. Consent Calendar

    Motion to Establish a Reward in the Amount of $20,000 in the Investigation of the Heinous Murder of Menghan Zhuang in the City of Santa Clarita on February 4, 2025, as submitted by Supervisor Barger.
  58. Consent Calendar

    Support for Assembly Bill 380 (González): Price Gouging Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to take all appropriate legislative advocacy actions to support Assembly Bill 380 (González), legislation which would extend price gouging protections on hotels, food, and other essential goods and services for the full duration of an emergency declaration to safeguard Angelenos from predatory price gouging during times of crisis including, but not limited to, sending a five-signature letter in support of the bill to Assemblymember Mark González.
  59. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) The People of the State of California, ex rel. Xavier Becerra, Attorney General of the State of California vs. County of Los Angeles, et al., Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 21STCV01309.
  60. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - EXISTING LITIGATION (Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Raul Gutierrez, et al. v. Los Angeles County Probation Department, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 24STCV06193.
  61. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL- ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Paragraph (2) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Significant exposure to litigation (one case).
  62. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    PUBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION (Government Code Section 54957(b)(1)) Chief Probation Officer Director of Health Services Director of Mental Health Director of Public Health Director of Internal Services Director of Youth Development Director of Personnel Superintendent of Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of Education
  63. Consent Calendar

    Keeping Wildfire Impacted Workers Housed Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Instruct County Counsel, in collaboration with the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, to return to the Board at the February 25, 2025 Board meeting with a resolution to protect each qualifying, income eligible tenant residing in the County from eviction for non-payment of rent originally due between February 1, 2025, and January 31, 2026, as may be revised, renewed, or repealed by the Board ("protection period"), where the tenant has been directly financially impacted by the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Wildfire Events (the "wildfire emergency") by providing the tenant an affirmative defense against such unlawful detainer actions: The tenant must: Have resided in their rental unit since before January 7, 2025; Have a 2024 household income equal to or less than 150% of the Area Median Income; Be enrolled in or have applied to a wildfire relief program, applied for unemployment benefits or other qualifying income assistance program, or be actively seeking employment; and Inform their landlord in writing, within seven days of rent being due for each month that rent is unpaid during the protection period, or seven days after the resolution going into effect for rent due for February 2025, that they are unable to make their rent payment due to a direct financial impact as a result of the wildfire emergency, and shall attest, under penalty of perjury, to their income eligibility, direct financial impact, and income replacement efforts; The Director of Consumer and Business Affairs shall within 14 days draft and make publicly available a sample attestation form for tenants and landlords to use, and shall solicit feedback from Stay Housed LA and landlord representatives, where available, on details to be included in such a form; Financial impacts mean a qualifying, income eligible tenant's loss of monthly income of at least 10%, income replaced through unemployment insurance, emergency benefits, or any other source shall be considered when calculating financial impact; “Direct” financial impact means that the qualifying income eligible tenant's place of employment or business was destroyed or rendered uninhabitable due to the wildfire emergency and resulted in actual loss of wages, the economic impact of the fires resulted in their employer laying the qualifying income eligible tenant off or reducing their work hours, or, a loss of the qualifying income eligible tenant's clients who were located in the fire impacted areas resulting in a loss of income; A qualifying income eligible tenant shall repay any rental debt incurred during the protected period within 12 months of the expiration or termination of the protected period; Any rental debt incurred during the protected period as a result of the tenant being financially impacted by the wildfire emergency shall be an affirmative defense to an unlawful detainer action, but shall be recoverable by filing a breach of contract or other civil action; Prohibit landlords from imposing late fees, interest, or other charges on rental debt incurred by a qualifying tenant who has properly asserted the eviction protections; Permit a landlord to challenge the factual basis for a tenant’s claim of a direct financial impact, without penalty, by filing an unlawful detainer action if a landlord reasonably believes that the tenant’s attestation is materially false, incorrect, or fraudulent; and These protections, except as otherwise indicated, shall remain in effect through January 31, 2026, unless revised, renewed, or repealed by the Board; Direct the Chief Executive Officer, in coordination with the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, to report back to the Board in 30 days on the development of the financial parameters of a fund to be managed by a third party fiscal sponsor to provide flexible spending that supports impacted tenants and landlords, which may include options to partner with philanthropy like the Mayor’s Fund, receive private sector donations and provide relief and support to those impacted by the windstorm and critical fire events and cannot pay their rent, due to lost wages, the report should include additional “Plan Z” funded programming currently allocated to Departments by program category and a list of unspent funding currently with Departments that could potentially be directed to those impacted by the fires, or other funding that could be redirected to the program, funding shall be a minimum of $10,000,000; and Instruct the Director of Consumer and Business Affairs to report back to the Board in 60 Days on program design to include the following: An estimate of the number of potentially impacted households, both tenants and landlords, including an estimate of the number of households which may not be eligible for other forms of assistance, the Director is encouraged to seek research support from external philanthropic, research, academic institutions, or others as needed; Information on alternative programs potentially available for households struggling with job loss and economic security, and resources that may be available for landlords, as a result of the wildfire emergency and generally; and Recommended guidelines for prioritization for rental debt relief modeled on the COVID 19 Rent Relief Programs including, but not limited to, landlords and tenants located in the high and highest need geographies as defined and identified in the LA County Equity Explorer within the unincorporated areas of the County; landlords or tenants whose household income is 80% or below of County Area Median Income; landlords and tenants for which the rent relief grant will fully satisfy tenants' rental debt; and landlords who own no more than four rental units.
  64. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL - ANTICIPATED LITIGATION (Paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9) Initiation of Litigation (one case).
  65. Closed Session
    Closed Session

    CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS (Government Code Section 54957.6) Agency designated representatives: Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer and designated staff. All individual member unions of the Coalition of County Unions, AFL CIO; SEIU, Local 721; All affiliated member unions of SEIU; All affiliated member unions of AFSCME Council 36; Los Angeles County Deputy Public Defenders Union; Program Managers Association; Child Support Attorneys; Supervising Child Support Officers; and Probation Directors.
  66. Consent Calendar

    Supporting a Skilled and Trained Workforce for Fire Recovery Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Horvath: Direct County Counsel, in collaboration with the Director of Economic Opportunity, to report back to the Board in writing in 14 days on the feasibility of allocating the $10,000,000 received from the United States Department of Labor on January 16, 2025, to the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council - Apprenticeship Readiness Fund to create a pipeline of skilled and trained workers; and the report back should include alternative sources of unspent funds administered by the Department of Economic Opportunity to reallocate to the Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council - Apprenticeship Readiness Fund, should it be found ineligible for the United States Department of Labor emergency grant funding.
  67. Consent Calendar

    Los Angeles County Early Care and Education Child Care Windstorm and Wildfire Recovery Efforts Recommendation as submitted by Supervisor Mitchell: Instruct the Director of Public Health, through the Office for the Advancement of Early Care and Education, to work with the Directors of Economic Opportunity and Consumer and Business Affairs, and the Superintendent of Schools of the Los Angeles County Office of Education, in coordination with the California Community Licensing Division, First 5 LA, and the childcare Resources and Referral agencies, to connect County childcare providers to the resources and streamlined processes they need to rebuild, and reach out individually to every affected childcare provider, including schools, to inform them of their ability to apply for the State’s Disaster Unemployment Assistance program; and take the following actions: Instruct the Director of Public Health, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, and the Director of Economic Opportunity, to identify the short-term staffing needs of, and potential sources for additional resources and individuals in, workforce programs to more fully support childcare providers through the current crisis caused by the wildfires; Instruct the Director of Regional Planning to allow the temporary use of other facilities for childcare programs, schools, grades TK-12, accredited by the State (excluding trade or commercial schools), and churches, temples, or other places used exclusively for religious worship in communities impacted by the Eaton Fire, and this shall be in effect for three years, with two one-year extension options, as needed, following the emergency declaration for the January 2025 Windstorm and Critical Fire Events; Direct the Fire Chief to work with the State Fire Marshal and local affected municipalities, to prioritize emergency fire permits for childcare providers who are seeking to re-open an existing facility or establish a new facility with an emergency childcare license; Direct the Chief Executive Officer, through the Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations Branch, to support State budget proposals, legislation and other administrative efforts to meet the needs of childcare providers affected by the wildfires including, but not limited to, health and safety assessments and remediation for childcare facilities; and Instruct the Directors in Directives No. 1 through 3 above, to report back to the Board in 30 days at an appropriate cluster meeting on their progress, including actions already taken or planned, the numbers of childcare providers who have been served, have applied for relief, have been granted emergency childcare licenses, have applied for Disaster Unemployment Assistance, and/or have re-opened or relocated and/or who are seeking to re-open.

Board Of Supervisors

Agenda Posted: February 6, 2025

Filters for matters
  1. Failed

    2/12/25 - Fiscal Year 2025-26 Departmental Budget Presentations Pursuant to Section 25⅔ of the County Charter, as amended by the Measure G Charter Amendment (as approved by voters in the November 5, 2024, General Election), Department Head presentations to the Board of Supervisors by the following Departments of their Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget requests: Fire Consumer and Business Affairs Aging and Disabilities Animal Care and Control Medical Examiner Arts and Culture Human Resources *Presentations not completed are automatically continued to a future Departmental Budget Presentation meeting date.

    Erika Schwerdt, Rieley Cwang, Hector Ramirez, Jessica Martinez, Jacqueline Llamas, Adele Andrade Stadler, Alfonso Jimenez, Carla Lopez, Amy Zhao, Yessenia Cux, Bryon Jose, Brenda Olivas, Cecelia Ramos, Christian Lopez, Daniel Gonzalez and other interested persons addressed the Board. Interested person(s) also submitted written testimony. Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer, made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Board. Anthony Marrone, Fire Chief, Rafael Carbajal, Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, Dr. Laura Trejo, Director of Aging and Disabilities, Marcia Mayeda, Director of Animal Care and Control, Dr. Odey Ukpo, Chief Medical Examiner, Kristin Sakoda, Director of Arts and Culture, Alexandra Valdes, Executive Director of the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission, Lisa Garrett, Director of Personnel, and Johan Julin, Assistant Director, Department of Human Resources, also made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Board. David Korsak, Senior Analyst, Chief Executive Office, also responded to questions posed by the Board. Julia Kim, Deputy Fire Chief, and Adrian Li, Department Finance Manager III, Fire Department, Alfred Beyruti, Administrative Deputy, and Christina Huynh, Finance Manager, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, Mike Tsao, Administrative Deputy, and Victoria Jump, Assistant Director, Area Agency on Aging Branch, Department of Aging and Disabilities, Whitney Duong, Administrative Deputy, Department of Animal Care and Control, Brandon Turner, Administrative Deputy, and Heather Rigby, Chief Deputy, Department of Arts and Culture, Maggie Martinez, Assistant Director, and Rodney Collins, Chief Deputy, Department of Human Resource, were present. Supervisor Mitchell instructed the Fire Chief to look at what issues individuals are having entering into the fire workforce in terms of paramedics. Supervisor Horvath instructed the Fire Chief in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status report of the rebuild from Woolsey fire; and initial steps being taken in the community of the Franklin fire. Supervisor Barger directed the Chief Executive Officer to include workers compensation updates in future reports. Supervisor Solis directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the State Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations team to advocate for an additional share of funding. Supervisor Barger directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Director of Aging and Disabilities with the mapping for the senior registry; and instructed the Director of Aging and Disabilities to work with the Altadena community on rebuilding the senior centers and to find alternative locations for seniors to meet up, until rebuilding is completed. Supervisor Horvath directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Director of Animal Care and Control to determine whether overtime costs are reimbursable under the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Supervisor Solis directed the Chief Executive Officer to report back at a Board meeting with a presentation on LA28 and the Olympics. After discussion, by Common Consent, there being no objection, the reports were received and filed; the Board instructed the Fire Chief to look at what issues individuals are having entering into the fire workforce in terms of paramedics; also in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status report of the rebuild from Woolsey fire; and initial steps being taken in the community of Franklin fire; the Chief Executive Officer was directed to include workers compensation updates in future reports; work with the State Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations team to advocate for an additional share of funding; work with the Director of Aging and Disabilities with the mapping for the senior registry; and instructed the Director of Aging and Disabilities to work with the Altadena community on rebuilding the senior centers and to find alternative locations for seniors to meet up, until rebuilding is completed work with the Director of Animal Care and Control to determine whether overtime costs are reimbursable under the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and report back at a Board meeting with a presentation on LA28 and the Olympics.

  2. Filed

    The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and ex officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts, agencies and authorities for which said Board so acts, adjourned its meeting at 3:55 p.m. The next Regular Meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.

31 new matters since 7 days ago

Filters for matters
  1. On Agenda

    Representation of the Los Angeles County Second Supervisorial District Consolidated Oversight Board (“LACOB2”) File No. 2066.001


  2. Filed

    Open Session adjourned to Closed Session at 1:03 p.m. following adjournments to: CS-1. Confer with legal counsel on existing litigation, pursuant to Paragraph (1) of Subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: Jane Doe 1 et al. v. County of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 21STCV20949, and All AB 218 Cases Filed Against the County of Los Angeles. Closed Session convened at 1:07 p.m. Present were Supervisors Holly J. Mitchell, Janice Hahn and Hilda L. Solis, Chair Pro Tem presiding. Absent were Supervisors Lindsey P. Horvath and Kathryn Barger. Closed Session adjourned at 1:29 p.m. Present were Supervisors Hilda L. Solis, Holly J. Mitchell, Janice Hahn and Kathryn Barger, Chair presiding. Absent was Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath. Open Session reconvened at 1:32 p.m. Present were Supervisors Hilda L. Solis, Holly J. Mitchell, Janice Hahn and Kathryn Barger, Chair presiding. Absent was Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath. The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and ex officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts, agencies and authorities for which said Board so acts, adjourned its meeting at 1:33 p.m. Absent was Supervisor Lindsey P. Horvath. The Board will hold a Special Meeting on Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. The next Regular Meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 1:00 p.m.
  3. On Agenda



  4. Filed

    The Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles, and ex officio the governing body of all other special assessment and taxing districts, agencies and authorities for which said Board so acts, adjourned its meeting at 3:55 p.m. The next Regular Meeting of the Board will be Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 1:00 p.m.
  5. On Agenda

    Presentation and consideration of a grant request from the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, in the amount of $4,650.00, or 1,000 pounds of fish, to stock the La Mirada Regional Park Lake, for the annual La Mirada Youth Fishing Derby, scheduled to be held during the 2025 calendar year. John Baker, Recreation Services Manager, County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation


  6. On Agenda

    Presentation and consideration of a grant request from the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, in the amount of $5,580.00, or 1,200 pounds of fish, to stock the Don Knabe Regional Park Lake, for the annual Cerritos Kids Fishing Derby, scheduled to be held during the 2025 calendar year. John Baker, Recreation Services Manager, County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation


  7. On Agenda

    Presentation and consideration of a grant proposal from the International Bird Rescue (IBR) in the amount of $15,000.00, to ensure IBR’s ability to provide appropriate nutrition and medicine to meet the demand for services in 2025 and help propagate future generations of local wildlife. Phil Kohlmetz, Grants Coordinator, International Bird Rescue


  8. On Agenda

    Presentation and consideration of a grant request from the County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation, in the amount of $4,650.00, or 1,000 pounds of fish, to stock the Alondra Regional Park Lake, for the annual South Bay Youth Fishing Event, scheduled to be held during the 2025 calendar year. John Baker, Recreation Services Manager, County of Los Angeles Department of Parks and Recreation


  9. On Agenda

    NHM - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 0 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  10. On Agenda

    CARD Status Report - February 2025.


  11. On Agenda

    CoCo - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 0 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  12. On Agenda

    Outstanding Audit Recommendations - January 2025.


  13. On Agenda

    Audit Plan Assignments Currently In Progress/Next to Start - CCMD.


  14. On Agenda

    AD - Quarterly Update on Contract Compliance - February 2025.


  15. On Agenda

    DYD - Quarterly Update on Contract Compliance - February 2025.


  16. On Agenda

    DMH - Quarterly Update on Contract Compliance - February 2025.


  17. On Agenda

    Discussion on automation of Audit Committee notifications.
  18. On Agenda

    Fraud Hotline Semi-Annual Report - January 1 through June 30, 2024.


  19. On Agenda

    ACWM - Semi-Annual Notification of Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews Conducted by Entities other than the Auditor-Controller, July 1 - December 31, 2024. 0 Audits and Contract Monitoring Reviews 0 High-Priority Findings


  20. On Agenda

    Board Policy 9.090 - Telework Program, recommendation by the DHR to extend the sunset review date to April 26, 2029.


  21. On Agenda



  22. On Agenda

  23. On Agenda

  24. On Agenda

    Call to order
  25. On Agenda



  26. On Agenda

  27. On Agenda



  28. Filed

    Video for the entire meeting.


  29. On Agenda

