2/12/25 - Fiscal Year 2025-26 Departmental Budget Presentations
Pursuant to Section 25⅔ of the County Charter, as amended by the Measure G Charter Amendment (as approved by voters in the November 5, 2024, General Election), Department Head presentations to the Board of Supervisors by the following Departments of their Fiscal Year 2025-26 budget requests:
Consumer and Business Affairs
Aging and Disabilities
Animal Care and Control
Medical Examiner
Arts and Culture
Human Resources
*Presentations not completed are automatically continued to a future Departmental Budget Presentation meeting date.
Erika Schwerdt, Rieley Cwang, Hector Ramirez, Jessica Martinez, Jacqueline Llamas, Adele Andrade Stadler, Alfonso Jimenez, Carla Lopez, Amy Zhao, Yessenia Cux, Bryon Jose, Brenda Olivas, Cecelia Ramos, Christian Lopez, Daniel Gonzalez and other interested persons addressed the Board. Interested person(s) also submitted written testimony.
Fesia Davenport, Chief Executive Officer, made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Board.
Anthony Marrone, Fire Chief, Rafael Carbajal, Director of Consumer and Business Affairs, Dr. Laura Trejo, Director of Aging and Disabilities, Marcia Mayeda, Director of Animal Care and Control, Dr. Odey Ukpo, Chief Medical Examiner, Kristin Sakoda, Director of Arts and Culture, Alexandra Valdes, Executive Director of the Los Angeles City/County Native American Indian Commission, Lisa Garrett, Director of Personnel, and Johan Julin, Assistant Director, Department of Human Resources, also made a presentation and responded to questions posed by the Board. David Korsak, Senior Analyst, Chief Executive Office, also responded to questions posed by the Board.
Julia Kim, Deputy Fire Chief, and Adrian Li, Department Finance Manager III, Fire Department, Alfred Beyruti, Administrative Deputy, and Christina Huynh, Finance Manager, Department of Business and Consumer Affairs, Mike Tsao, Administrative Deputy, and Victoria Jump, Assistant Director, Area Agency on Aging Branch, Department of Aging and Disabilities, Whitney Duong, Administrative Deputy, Department of Animal Care and Control, Brandon Turner, Administrative Deputy, and Heather Rigby, Chief Deputy, Department of Arts and Culture, Maggie Martinez, Assistant Director, and Rodney Collins, Chief Deputy, Department of Human Resource, were present.
Supervisor Mitchell instructed the Fire Chief to look at what issues individuals are having entering into the fire workforce in terms of paramedics.
Supervisor Horvath instructed the Fire Chief in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status report of the rebuild from Woolsey fire; and initial steps being taken in the community of the Franklin fire.
Supervisor Barger directed the Chief Executive Officer to include workers compensation updates in future reports.
Supervisor Solis directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the State Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations team to advocate for an additional share of funding.
Supervisor Barger directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Director of Aging and Disabilities with the mapping for the senior registry; and instructed the Director of Aging and Disabilities to work with the Altadena community on rebuilding the senior centers and to find alternative locations for seniors to meet up, until rebuilding is completed.
Supervisor Horvath directed the Chief Executive Officer to work with the Director of Animal Care and Control to determine whether overtime costs are reimbursable under the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Supervisor Solis directed the Chief Executive Officer to report back at a Board meeting with a presentation on LA28 and the Olympics.
After discussion, by Common Consent, there being no objection, the reports were received and filed; the Board instructed the Fire Chief to look at what issues individuals are having entering into the fire workforce in terms of paramedics; also in collaboration with the Directors of Public Works, Regional Planning and Public Health, to report back to the Board in 14 days with a status report of the rebuild from Woolsey fire; and initial steps being taken in the community of Franklin fire; the Chief Executive Officer was directed to include workers compensation updates in future reports; work with the State Legislative Affairs and Intergovernmental Relations team to advocate for an additional share of funding; work with the Director of Aging and Disabilities with the mapping for the senior registry; and instructed the Director of Aging and Disabilities to work with the Altadena community on rebuilding the senior centers and to find alternative locations for seniors to meet up, until rebuilding is completed work with the Director of Animal Care and Control to determine whether overtime costs are reimbursable under the Federal Emergency Management Agency; and report back at a Board meeting with a presentation on LA28 and the Olympics.
Updated 2.15.2025 12:31:57 AM UTC