Mountain View City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

15 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Environmental Planning Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Study Session

    Moffett Boulevard Precise Plan Visioning Framework

    TBD Project Manager: Diana Pancholi and Eric Anderson

  2. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    Residential Development Project at 2645-2655 Fayette Drive (Builder’s Remedy)

    TBD Project Manager: Jeffrey Tsumura


Development Review Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    749 W. El Camino Real, Leland Low for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, PL-2022-144; APN: 193-02-049

    TBD Project Manager: Rebecca Shapiro

  2. Agenda Ready
    Public Hearing

    400 Moffett Boulevard, Marilyn Ponte for Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc., PL-2024-001; APN: 153-24-016

    Request for a Development Review Permit to construct 175 apartment units, approximately 2,098 square feet of commercial/retail space, and 7,000 sf of residential serving amenity space, with 190 parking spaces, a Conditional Use Permit to allow residential use at CN zoning, and a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to remove 11 Heritage Trees, replacing an existing commercial building totaling 14,000 square feet on a 1.67-acre site. This project is located on westside of Moffett Boulevard between Cypress Point Drive and West Middlefield Road in the CN (Commercial Neighborhood) zoning district. This project is a Housing Element site and a General Plan Mixed-Use Village Center. Project Manager: Rebecca Shapiro


Performing Arts Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval

    Approve the October 3, 2024 minutes.


Youth Advisory Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Minutes Approval

    Minutes Approval

    To approve the September 30 meeting minutes.

  2. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Team Builder Activity
  3. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Youth Advisory Committee Social
  4. Agenda Ready
    New Business

    Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

City Council

Special Meeting

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Study Session

    Environmental Planning Commission Applicant Interviews

    Interview applicants for the Environmental Planning Commission and make a recommendation for adoptioin at the December 17, 2024 City Council meeting.


Senior Advisory Committee

Meeting Canceled

    Parks And Recreation Commission And Urban Forestry Board

    Meeting Canceled

      Visual Arts Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Discuss modifications to the Call for Artists to exhibit at the Center for Performing Arts Exhibits and authorize the 2025-26 Call for Artists

      Performing Arts Committee

      Special Meeting

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Minutes Approval

        M/S Donahue/Garcia - To approve the August 21, 2024 minutes.

      2. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Revisions to the Mountain View Center for the Performing Art's Home Company Program

        Performing Arts Manager Theresa Yvonne presented the recommended revisions put forth by the Ad hoc Committee for the Home Company Program, and answered relevant questions from the Committee. The following members of the public spoke from the floor and/or virtually: - Connor Day - Giovanna Sardelli - William Adler - Carla Befera - Aaron Nicholson - Dan Kelly - Vivek MOTION - M/S Garcia/Donahue - To accept the recommendations and direct staff to add a purpose statement, and report back to the Committee. The motion carried by the following vote:


      Administrative Zoning Hearing

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        846 Independence Avenue, Thomas McConnell for The Midwife and the Baker; PL-6477

        Request for a Conditional Use Permit to allow retail use at an existing bakery facility and a Development Review Permit for minor site modifications including a partial perimeter wall on a 0.36-acre site. This project is located on the southwest corner of Independence Avenue and Wyandotte Street in the MM-40 (General Industrial) district. Project Manager: Phillip Brennan

      2. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        355 Pioneer Way, Chelsea Lenz for Lenz Precision Technology, HTR-5997

        Request for a Heritage Tree Removal Permit to remove four (4) Heritage Tree a 1.32-acre site. This project is located on the east side of Pioneer way in between East Dana Street and Highway-237 in the General Industrial District (MM). Project Manager: Vinson Kwan

      3. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        2575 California Street, Michael Ward for Cardinale Auto Group, PL-6113

        Request for a Provisional Use Permit to allow a car showroom use, Hyundai/Genesis, within a 10,293 square foot tenant space located on a 3.66-acre shopping center site and for a Planned Community Permit to allow minor exterior modifications; and a determination the project is categorically exempt pursuant to Section 15301 of the CEQA Guidelines (“Existing Facilities"). The project is located on the south side of California Street between San Antonio Road and Pacchetti Way in the P(40) San Antonio Precise Plan. Project Manager: Vinson Kwan

      4. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        748 Mercy Street, Linda Jones for Santa Clara County, HHS; PL-6164

        Request for a modification to a previously approved Provisional Use Permit (PL-2022-201) to extend the months of operation for a cold weather homeless shelter at an existing church located on a 0.31-acre project site. This project is located on the north west corner of Mercy Street and Hope Street in the P-19 (Downtown) Precise Plan. Project Manager: Shane Fields


      City Council

      Joint Meeting Of City Council (Regular) And Shoreline Regional Park Community (Special)

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready

        Breast Cancer Awareness Month
      2. Agenda Ready

        Arts & Humanities Month Proclamation
      3. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Council Policy Position - Support for Proposition 5

        1. Waive the City Council Policy A-16 requirement that ballot measures be referred to staff for analysis by a majority vote of the City Council before Council takes a position on a measure in order to consider Proposition 5. 2. Adopt a Council Policy position of support for Proposition 5, a statewide measure which allows local bonds for affordable housing and public infrastructure with 55% voter approval. Legislative Constitutional Amendment.

      4. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40-Professional Services Agreement

        1. Acting as the City Council and Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community, approve deferring the bus lane elements of the project scope for Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40, to be a later phase of the project. 2. Acting as the City Council and Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community, authorize the Community Manager and City Manager, or their respective designees to amend the professional services agreement with BKF Engineers, a California corporation (Entity No. 599256), for Plymouth/Space Park Realignment, Project 20-40, to add $600,000 for additional design services for a total not-to-exceed amount of $2,155,565. Approximately 71% of the total costs from preliminary engineering through construction for the Plymouth/Space Park Realignment project will be funded by the Shoreline Regional Park Community Fund.

      5. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Santa Clara County Public Health Department Climate and Health Program Grant Funding

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Accepting a Grant from the Santa Clara County Public Health Department in the Amount of $25,000 and Approving an Appropriation Amendment to Increase the Fiscal Year 2024-25 Capital Projects Fund Revenue by $25,000 and Expenditures in Sustainability Project Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Project 20-99 by $25,000, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).

      6. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Use of City Parking Lot 7 by Santa Clara County, Trinity United Methodist Church, and Home First Services to Support a Cold Weather Shelter (748 Mercy Street)

        1. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Authorizing Temporary Closure from Public Access of 15 Parking Spaces Within Parking Lot 7 from 3:00 p.m. through 9:00 a.m. daily, from November 1, 2024 through April 15, 2025; October 15, 2025 through April 15, 2026; and October 15, 2026 through April 15, 2027, for Use by Santa Clara County’s Cold Weather Shelter Program Staff and Participants, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report). 2. Authorize the City Manager or designee to enter into a no-fee license agreement with the County of Santa Clara for the temporary use of 15 parking spaces within Parking Lot 7 between the hours of 3:00 p.m. through 9:00 a.m. daily, from November 1, 2024 through April 15, 2025; October 15, 2025 through April 15, 2026; and October 15, 2026 through April 15, 2027, for use by Santa Clara County’s Cold Weather Shelter Program staff and participants.

      7. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Silicon Valley Clean Energy Grant Agreement Amendments

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Amending the Senior Center Hot Water Systems and Community Education About Building Electrification Grant Agreements with Silicon Valley Clean Energy to Extend Project Completion Dates to December 31, 2025 and Authorizing the City Manager or Designee to Execute Ministerial or Administrative Amendments to the Agreements, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).

      8. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program Grant Funding

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Directing Staff to Apply for a Noncompetitive $148,010 Grant From the Formula Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program, and Accepting and Appropriating Awarded Grant Funds to City Hall HVAC GHG Offsets, Phase I, Project 22-34-01 (Mountain View Senior Center), to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).

      9. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        2023 Santa Clara County Operational Area Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Adopting Volume I and Mountain View’s Annex within Volume II of the 2023 Santa Clara County Operational Area Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).

      10. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Overtime and Portal-to-Portal Pay for Employees

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Authorizing Overtime and Portal-to-Portal Pay for Employees When Staff are Deployed to Assist with Wildland Fires and Other Emergency Incidents, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).

      11. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        SB-1 Streets, Project 23-03-Professional Services Agreement

        Authorize the City Manager or designee to amend the professional services agreement with BKF Engineers, a California corporation (Entity No. 599256), for SB-1 Streets, Project 23-03, to add $61,000 for a total not-to-exceed amount of $496,710.

      12. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        939 San Rafael Avenue (APN: 153-18-032)-Acquisition of Real Property

        1. Approve the acquisition of property located at 939 San Rafael Avenue (APN: 153-18-032) owned by San Rafael Partners, LLC, a California limited liability company. 2. Appropriate $6.05 million from the Park Land Dedication Fund for the acquisition and closing costs of 939 San Rafael Avenue. (Five votes required) 3. Authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all documents and take all necessary action related to the acquisition of 939 San Rafael Avenue (APN: 153-18-032). 4. Find that in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act requirements, under Public Resources Code Section 21080.28, the California Environmental Quality Act requirements do not apply to the acquisition of land for preservation of lands for park purposes; and acquisition of the property is categorically exempt under Class 25, acquisition to preserve lands for park purposes.

      13. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        Mixed-Use Addition at 194-198 Castro Street

        Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Approving a Planned Community Permit, Development Review Permit, and Historic Preservation Permit to Construct a Three-Story, 5,733 Square Foot Building Addition with a Roof Deck Adjacent to an Existing Two-Story, 7,608 Square Foot Historic Building with Office and Ground-Floor Restaurant, and a Provisional Use Permit to Allow an Administrative Office Use on the Upper Floors of a Commercial Building on a 0.14-Acre Project Site at 194-198 Castro Street, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report). The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15332 (“In-Fill Development”) and 15331 (“Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation”).

      14. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        HUD PRO Housing Grant Application and Establishment of the Acquisition/Preservation Subfund

        MOTION - MS - Ramos/ Ramirez - To: 1. Authorize staff to submit an application to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's Pathways to Removing Obstacles to Housing Grant. 2. Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Establishing the City of Mountain View Acquisition/Preservation Subfund in the Housing Fund, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report). 3. Approve and Appropriate $4 million from the BMR In-Lieu Fees Subfund to the new Acquisition/Preservation Subfund. (Five votes required) 4. Increase appropriation of $4 million in the Housing Department in the Acquisition and Preservation Subfund for the purpose of implementing the acquisition/preservation program. (Five votes required) 5. If awarded, authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the agreement and any required forms with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Upon execution of the grant agreement, authorize an increase in appropriation per the amount in the executed agreement, not to exceed $4 million, for the acquisition and preservation program in the Housing Department in the Acquisition/Preservation Subfund. (Five votes required)The motion carried by the following vote:

      15. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Appointing Extra-Help Retired Annuitant Under Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21224

        MOTION - MS - Kamei/ Matichak - To: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View for an Exception to the 180-Day Wait Period, Government Code Sections 7522.56 and 21224, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report).The motion carried by the following vote:

      16. Agenda Ready
        Closed Session

        Conference with Real Property Negotiator (§54956.8); Property: 928 Mariner Drive, Mountain View, CA 94043 (APN 153-24-021); Agency Negotiators: Arn Andrews, Assistant City Manager, Christian Murdock, Community Development Director, Angela LaMonica, Real Property Program Administrator; Negotiating Party: Department of the Army; Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Purchase
      17. Agenda Ready
        Consent Calendar

        Approve Minutes

        Acting as the City Council and Board of Directors of the Shoreline Regional Park Community, approve the meeting minutes of June 11, 2024, June 25, 2024, September 10, 2024 and September 24, 2024.

      18. Agenda Ready
        Unfinished Business

        Ordinance Amending Chapter 1, Article I, Section 1.2 of the Mountain View City Code

        MOTION - MS - Ramirez/ Hicks - To: Introduce an Ordinance of the City of Mountain View Amending Chapter 1, Article I, Section 1.2 of the Mountain View City Code to Modify the Definition of "Holiday" including the additional amendment to delete Admissions Day and add the day before or after Christmas and Authorize City Staff to Return Directly to City Council with a Resolution Amending Section 8.05 of Council Policy D-7 Governing Holiday Leave for City Employees to align with the amendments to MVCC 1.2, to be read in title only, further reading waived, and set a second reading for October 22, 2024 (Attachment 1 to the Council report).The motion carried by the following vote:

      19. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        Mixed-Use Addition at 194-198 Castro Street

        MOTION - MS - Kamei/ Ramirez - To: Adopt a Resolution of the City Council of the City of Mountain View Approving a Planned Community Permit, Development Review Permit, and Historic Preservation Permit to Construct a Three-Story, 5,733 Square Foot Building Addition with a Roof Deck Adjacent to an Existing Two-Story, 7,608 Square Foot Historic Building with Office and Ground-Floor Restaurant, and a Provisional Use Permit to Allow an Administrative Office Use on the Upper Floors of a Commercial Building on a 0.14-Acre Project Site at 194-198 Castro Street, to be read in title only, further reading waived (Attachment 1 to the Council report). The project is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Sections 15332 ("In-Fill Development") and 15331 ("Historic Resource Restoration/Rehabilitation").The motion carried by the following vote:


      Downtown Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Downtown Committee Minutes - September 3rd, 2024

        Approve the Downtown Committee meeting minutes of September 3rd, 2024


      Youth Advisory Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Minutes Approval

        To approve the September 3 meeting minutes.

      2. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Biodiversity & Urban Forest Plan

        Committee members participated in an interactive presentation about the Biodiversity & Urban Forest Plan. Members filled out a teen input form and answered questions involving their favorite outdoor spaces in Mountain View, and describe your ideal nature setting. Members also mapped out where they participate in nature while in Mountain View.

      3. Passed
        New Business

        Election of the 2024-25 Youth Advisory Committee Leadership Positions

        To approve the 2024-25 Youth Advisory Committee leadership positions - Chair-Natalie Chan; Vice Chair- Taylor Luna; Secretary- Shahana Rajasekaran; Social Media/Marketing- Miguel Malicse.

      4. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        2024-25 Work Plan

      Youth Advisory Committee

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Minutes Approval

        M/S Ma/Byon — Carried 13-0-2; Absent— Luna and Oh— To approve the September 16 meeting minutes.

      2. Agenda Ready
        Unfinished Business

        2024-25 Work Plan

        Committee members broke out into groups and each group created a draft work plan.

      3. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Teen Wellness Retreat Feedback

        Committee members provided feedback on the Teen Wellness Retreat event. YAC members led the event, including one workshop. 78 teens and 24 organizations attended the event.

      11 new matters since 7 days ago

      Filters for matters
      1. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Minutes Approval


      2. Agenda Ready
        Public Hearing

        749 W. El Camino Real, Leland Low for Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, PL-2022-144; APN: 193-02-049


      3. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
      4. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Team Builder Activity
      5. Agenda Ready
        New Business

        Youth Advisory Committee Social
      6. Agenda Ready
        Minutes Approval

        Minutes Approval
