Council Meeting3 matters
- Approval ReviewResolutionResolution No. 25-5447 For the Purpose of Authorizing the Chief Operating Officer to Grant a Non-Park Use Easement to Clackamas County at Pecan Creek Natural Area
- Resolution No. 25-5447.pdfOpen Resolution No. 25-5447.pdf
- Exhibit A to Resolution No. 25-5447.pdfOpen Exhibit A to Resolution No. 25-5447.pdf
- Exhibit B to Resolution No. 25-5447.pdfOpen Exhibit B to Resolution No. 25-5447.pdf
- Staff report.pdfOpen Staff report.pdf
- Attachment 1Open Attachment 1
- Consent AgendaMinutesConsideration of the January 9, 2025 Council Meeting Minutes
- 010925c minutes-signedOpen 010925c minutes-signed
- DraftPresentationIntegrated and Expanded Regional SHS/Affordable Housing Program: Proposed Ordinances and Proposed Councilor Amendments