El Paso City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

5 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Women's Rights Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action to approve the Minutes of the Women’s Rights Commission Meeting of November 12, 2024.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Presentation on the Establishing Resolution and the Opens Meeting Act, Karla Saenz, Assistant City Attorney, City of El Paso.
  3. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action on the progress the Women’s Rights Commission has made in regard to maternity benefits provided to City employees, submitted by Commissioner Turner.
  4. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action on a proposed list of key items/ key elements to submit to City Council that was voted and approved during the November 2024 WRC Meeting.
  5. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action with any information pertaining to the Focus Area subgroup assignments and any updates from November 2024 to the present, submitted by Commissioner Luevanos and voted into effect by the WRC as a standing item for each meeting.

City Council Work Session

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Operational Focus Updates

    Discussion and action on a Resolution to adopt the City of El Paso’s State Legislative Agenda and legislative session update for the 89th Texas Legislative Session.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    John Surface and Adan Chavez v. City of El Paso et. al; Cause No.: 24-CV-00226-DB (551.071)
  3. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Ruben A. Soto v. Officer Daniel Monge, Officer Sabrina Gonzalez, Chief Allen, and the City of El Paso. Cause No.: 3:23-CV-00256 (551.071)
  4. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    City of McAllen, et al v. The State of Texas; Cause No. D-1-GN-17-00476 (551.071)
  5. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    2024 Newman Buffer CCN, Seeking Approval of 100 MW Solar, 100 MW Battery to be located near Newman Power Plant; HQ#UTILITY-61 (551.071)
  6. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on economic development opportunity in West El Paso. HQ# 24-4016 (551.087)
  7. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on economic development opportunity in Central El Paso, HQ#24-2864 (551.071) (551.072) (551.087)
  8. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on an economic development opportunity in Central El Paso, HQ#24-3471 (551.087)
  9. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    El Paso Firemen and Policemen Pension Fund request. HQ-3676 (551.074)
  10. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Litigation Report (551.071)

City Council

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Request to Excuse

  2. Agenda Ready

    A Resolution authorizing the City Manager to sign a Chapter 380 Economic Development Program Agreement (“Agreement”) by and between CITY OF EL PASO (“City”) and 914 W YANDELL DR, LLC (“Applicant”) in support of an infill development project located at 914 W. Yandell Dr., El Paso, Texas 79902. The Agreement requires the Applicant to make a minimum investment of $638,000.00. Over the term of the Agreement, the City shall provide economic incentives not to exceed $28,212.88 in the form of a Real Property Tax Rebate, a Construction Materials Sales Tax Rebate, and a Building Construction Fee Rebate.
  3. Agenda Ready

    Approve a Resolution that the City Council of the City of El Paso declares an amnesty period effective February 17, 2025 through March 8, 2025, ending at 12:00 midnight on March 8, 2025. During this amnesty period, all violators who pay outstanding parking citations will have the total delinquency fees and collection fees reduced to zero, leaving only the fine amount to be paid for each delinquent citation which is paid voluntarily.
  4. Agenda Ready

    That the Solid Waste liens on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. (See Attachment A) [POSTPONED FROM 01-07-2025]
  5. Agenda Ready

    That the Solid Waste liens on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. (See Attachment B)
  6. Agenda Ready

    A Resolution to authorize the City Manager to execute a deductive Construction Quantity Notice in the amount of $328,204.11 to Contract No. 2022-0747 (Rojas Drive Widening), with contractor International Eagle Enterprises, Inc. The original contract amount was $12,024,880.90. The new contract amount, including this construction quantity notice and all previous construction quantity notices and change orders, is $11,948,055.73. There is no change in contract time resulting from this change order. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to execute any documents necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution.
  7. Agenda Ready
    Applications for Tax Refunds

    That the tax refunds listed on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments greater than $2,500.00. (See Attachment C)
  8. Agenda Ready
    Applications for Tax Refunds

    That the tax refunds listed on the attachment posted with this agenda be approved. This action would allow us to comply with state law which requires approval by the legislative body of refunds of tax overpayments exceeding the three (3) year limit. (See Attachment D)
  9. Agenda Ready
    Notice for Notation

    For notation only, Special Projects, Discretionary fund expenditures, and P-Card Transactions for the period of November 21, 2024 - December 20, 2024 for Mayor, City Council Representatives, City Attorney’s Office, City Manager’s Office and staff.
  10. Agenda Ready
    Request for Proposals

    The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.6 - Provide long-term, cost effective, sustainable regional solid waste solutions. Award Summary: Request that the City Manager or designee is authorized to sign an Amended and Restated Fuel Processing Agreement in a form substantially similar to Exhibit A, by and between City of El Paso and Clean Energy dba California Clean Energy Inc., for a term from the effective date through January 31, 2029. That the City Manager or designee is authorized to sign a Renewable Natural Gas supply contract by and between City of El Paso and Clean Energy dba California Clean Energy Inc., and its subsidiary Clean Energy Renewable Fuels, LLC for a term to begin effective date and end January 31, 2029, as well as any related documents and forms, after review by the City Attorney’s office. That the City Manager or designee is authorized to establish the funding sources, effectuate any budget transfers, any related agreements, amendments to such agreements, and documents necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. That the directors of Environmental Services Department, Mass Transit Department (“Sun Metro”) and Airport be authorized to effectuate any related nonmaterial documents, and amendments to the agreements pertaining to their respective departments, as necessary to carry out the intent of this resolution. Contract Variance: Not applicable, billed off of usage. Department: Environmental Services Award to: Clean Energy dba California Clean Energy Inc. City & State: Newport Beach, CA Current Contract Estimated Amount: Billed off of usage Change Order Award: Billed off of usage Total estimated Amount not to Exceed: Billed off of usage Account(s): 334 - 3100 - 530020 - 34080 - P3480 334 - 3100 - 530020 - 34080 - P3486 Funding Source(s): Environmental Services Funding District(s): All This was a Request for Proposals Award - service contract.
  11. Agenda Ready

    The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 7.2 Improve competitiveness through infrastructure improvements impacting the quality of life. Award Summary: The request that the Managing Director of Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to increase contract 2023-0168 Autocar Proprietary Parts and Service to TE of El Paso, LLC. This change order will increase referenced contract by $168,750.00 for a total estimated amount not to exceed $843,750.00. This change order will add capacity through the duration of the contract. Department: Streets and Maintenance Award to: TE of El Paso, LLC City & State: El Paso, TX Current Contract Estimated Amount: $675,000.00 Change Order Amount: $168,750.00 Total Estimated Amount not to Exceed: $843,750.00 Account(s): 532 - 3600 - 531210 - 37020 - P3701 (Parts) 532 - 3600 - 531250 - 37020 - P3701 (Service) Funding Source(s): Internal Service Fund District(s): All This was a Non-Competitive Procurement under Local Government General Exemption: Section 252.022 - (7) a procurement of items that are available from only one source.
  12. Agenda Ready
    Operational Focus Updates

    Re-appointment of candidate Anastasha R. Arditti Vance to fill a Part Time Associate Judge vacancy. This position serves as substitute for the elected Municipal Court trial judges at trial and other court hearings; they preside over arraignments; they serve as magistrates on graveyard shifts.
  13. First Reading

    An Ordinance renewing and extending the Special Privilege License to Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center for the maintenance, use and repair the surface parking lot, overhead bird netting, and drainage pipes beneath the Raynolds Street overpass bridge within a portion of City right-of-way along Alberta Avenue; setting the license term for a term of ten (10) years with an option to renew for one additional ten (10) year term. Location: Along Alberta Avenue beneath the Raynolds Street overpass bridge Applicant: Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, PSPN23-00005
  14. Agenda Ready
    Other Bids, Contracts, Procurements

    The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: No. 1.1 Grow existing and attract new target industries, including advanced manufacturing and international development; creating an innovation-driven culture of technology that fosters economic prosperity and creates high-paying career pathways. Award Summary: Discussion and action on the request that City Manager is authorized to execute the Design-Build documents considered to be the agreement (“Contract”) between the City of El Paso and Jordan Forster Construction, LLC, for the project known as the 2024-0272R Advanced Manufacturing District in an initial amount of two million eight hundred fifteen thousand one hundred twenty seven and 16/100 dollars ($2,815,127.16) for work prior to the execution of the Design-Build Amendment; and that the City Engineer is authorized to approve additional preconstruction services in the amount of $50,000.00 if the services are necessary for the proper execution of the project. Department: Capital Improvement Award to: Jordan Foster Construction, LLC City & State: El Paso, TX Item(s): Pre-Construction Services Total Estimated Award: $2,815,127.16 Account(s): 562-3080-62330-580270-G6A23BBRC 562-3010-62330-580270-G6A23BBRC Funding Source(s): Department of Commerce’s Build Back Better Regional Challenge Grant and Airport Enterprise Funds District(s): All This was a Design-Build Procurement - Service Contract. The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing and Capital Improvement Departments recommend award as indicated to Jordan Foster Construction, LLC the Design-build team offering the best value on the basis of the published selection criteria and on its ranking evaluations. It is requested that the City Manager be authorized to establish the funding sources and make any necessary budget transfers and execute any and all documents necessary for execution of this award. Additionally, it is requested that the City Attorney's Office review and that the City Manager or designee be authorized to execute any related contract documents and agreements necessary to effectuate this award.
  15. Agenda Ready
    Other Bids, Contracts, Procurements

    The linkage to the Strategic Plan is subsection: 8.6 Provide long-term, cost effective, sustainable regional solid waste solutions. Award Summary: Discussion and action that the Managing Director of the Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department be authorized to issue Purchase Order(s) to Epax Systems, Inc., the sole authorized distributor of Bergmann’s Waste and Recycling equipment in North America to include all parts for the Mobile Roller Crusher for Environmental Services Department for a one-time purchase for an estimated amount of $172,370.00. This contract will add this equipment for the Customer Collection Station Operations. Contract Variance: Not applicable, new contract. Department: Environmental Services Award to: Epax Systems, Inc. City & State: Panorama City, CA Item(s): All Initial Term: One-time Option Term: NA Total Contract Time: One-time Annual Estimated Award: NA Initial Term Estimated Award: $172,370.00 Option Term Estimated Award: NA Total Estimated Award $172,370.00 Account(s): 334 - 3150 - 34100 - 580290 - P3410 - PESD00250 Funding Source(s): Environmental Services Operating District(s): All Non-Competitive Procurement under Local Government General Exemption: Section 252.022 - (7) a procurement of items that are available from only one source - (A) items that are available from only one source because of patents, copyrights, secret processes, or natural monopolies. The Purchasing & Strategic Sourcing Department and Environmental Department recommend award as indicated to Epax Systems, Inc., under the exemption listed above. It is requested that the City Manager be authorized to establish the funding sources and make any necessary budget transfers and execute any and all documents necessary for execution of this award.
  16. Second Reading

    An Ordinance amending Title 12 (Vehicles and Traffic), Chapter 12.88 Schedules), Section 12.88.200 (Schedule XVII-Restrictions on Parking in Residential Districts), Subsection Zone O: No Parking Any Time, Tow Away Zone, of the El Paso City Code, to add Item 2: 3720 E. San Antonio Ave. to 3828 E. San Antonio Ave., south side only; to add Item 3: Gateway Blvd. South from E. San Antonio Ave. to Findley Ave., west side only; to add Item 4: 3700 Findley Ave. to 3821 Findley Ave., north side only; to add Item 5: 3808 Findley Ave. to 3816 Findley Ave., south side only; to add Item 6: Alley Between E. San Antonio Ave. and Findley Ave., from Stevens St. to E. San Antonio Ave., both sides; to add Item 7: S. Stevens St. from Findley Ave. to the alley of Findley Ave., east side only; to add Item 8: S. Latta St. from E. San Antonio Ave. to Findley Ave., both sides; the penalty being provided In Chapter 12.88 of the El Paso City Code.
  17. Agenda Ready
    Other Business

    Discussion and action to approve budget transfer to increase FY2025 Confiscated Funds and Appropriations a total of $460,300 in State and Federal Confiscated Funds.
  18. Agenda Ready

    Approve a Resolution in conformity with Section 3.5A of the City Charter to reschedule the Regular City Council Meeting for Tuesday, February 18, 2025 to Tuesday, February 25, 2025 due to El Paso Days in Austin the week of February 17, 2025 creating a lack of quorum.
  19. Agenda Ready

    A Resolution that the City of El Paso City Council authorizes the submission of an application to the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) Fiscal-Year 2025 Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant program for the El Paso Central Business District (CBD) Phase IV requesting funds in the amount of $21,917,993 with no match required from the City. The estimated cost of $21,917,993 entails 1.8-mile roadway reconstruction and parkway improvements project in Downtown El Paso. The El Paso CBD IV Project scope of work is based on multiple studies and final engineering design documents including sidewalks, storm sewers, curbs and gutters, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) improvements, bicycle improvements, driveways, traffic signals, lighting, signing, striping, landscaping and irrigation improvements.
  20. Agenda Ready
    Members of the City Council

    Discussion and action to direct the City Manager and City Attorney to conduct a review of all City boards and commissions.
  21. Agenda Ready

    A Resolution to authorize the expenditure of District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 discretionary funds, in an amount not to exceed $6,000 each, to fund their participation in the El Paso Chamber’s El Paso Days in Austin event.
  22. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Alejandra Chávez to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.
  23. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Deanna Maldonado-Rocha to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.
  24. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Ivan Niño to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.
  25. Agenda Ready
    Board Re-Appointments

    Representative Josh Acevedo to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.
  26. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Chris Canales to the City of El Paso Employees Retirement Trust Board of Trustees by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.
  27. Agenda Ready
    Special Appointments

    A Resolution that newly elected Mayor Renard U. Johnson be appointed to the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization, to replace former Mayor Oscar Leeser, effective immediately.
  28. Agenda Ready
    Special Appointments

    A Resolution that Representative Alejandra Chávez be appointed to the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization, to fill a currently vacant position on the TPB, effective immediately.
  29. Agenda Ready
    Special Appointments

    A Resolution that Representative Art Fierro be appointed to the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization, to fill a currently vacant position on the TPB, effective immediately.
  30. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Representative Ivan Niño in the amount of $ 1,000.00 from El Paso Electric Company Employees Political Action Committee, $1,000.00 from Richard Aguilar, $1,000.00 from Omega General & Electrical Contractors LLC, $1,000.00 from SNAP Partners LP, and $2,500.00 from Woody L. & Gayle Hunt.
  31. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of a campaign contribution by Representative Cynthia Boyar Trejo in the amount of $2,500 from Woody Hunt.
  32. Agenda Ready
    Board Re-Appointments

    Gabriel Ayub to the Greater El Paso Civic, Convention and Tourism Advisory Board by Representative Ivan Niño, District 5.
  33. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Mayor Renard U. Johnson in the amounts of $500.00 from Richard De Santos, $5,000.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $5,000.00 from Lane Gaddy, $500.00 from Albert Gamboa, $12,000.00 from Julio Chiu, $5,000.00 from Ronald Malooly Sr., $2,500.00 from Sundt Texas Political Action Committee, $500.00 from Cliff Eisenberg, $5,000.00 from Rick Francis, $5,000.00 from Woody & Gayle Hunt, $5,000.00 from Aaron Chiu, $2,500.00 from Miguel Fernandez, $1,000.00 from Steve DeGroat, $500.00 from Victor Arias, $2,000.00 from Adam Frank, $5,000.00 from Gerald Rubin, $1,000.00 from Scott Kesner, $5,000.00 from Ronald Lowenfield, $1,000.00 from Paul Porras, $500.00 from Richard Porras, $1,000.00 from Crayton Webb, $2,500.00 from The Law Office of Steve Ortega LLC, $1,500.00 from Freddy Klayel-Avalos, $3,000.00 from Paige Fox, $500.00 from Raymond Palacios, $600.00 from David Osborne, $1,000.00 from Roy Lopez, $4,000.00 from Edward Houghton, $5,000.00 from Larry Wollschlager, $5,000.00 from Blake Anderson, $5,000.00 from Sue Anderson, $3,000.00 from William Sanders, $500.00 from Michael and Dawn Gopin, $1,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $1,000.00 from Josh Hunt, $5,000.00 from Julio Chiu, $3,000.00 from Louann Sanders, $500.00 from EP Nichols LLC, $500.00 from Isidro Lopez, $2,550.00 from Daniel Longoria, $10,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $1,000.00 from Cesar Blanco, $10,000.00 from TREPAC - Texas Realtors Political Action Committee, $2,500.00 from Bill Randag, $10,000.00 from Douglas Schwartz, $1,500.00 from HNTB Holdings Ltd Political Action Committee, $2,500.00 from Brent Harris, $5,000.00 from Fred Loya, $1,500.00 from Alfredo Corral, $3,000.00 from Snap Partners LP, $1,250.00 from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, $2,500.00 from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, $1,500.00 from El Paso Electric Company Employee Political Action Committee, $1,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $975.00 from Severo Hughston, and $75,000.00 from Ysleta Del Sur.

Veterans Affairs Advisory Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Roll Call.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and Action to Approve Minutes of: November 21, 2024.
  3. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    El Paso VA Health Care Clinic Update - Interim Director - Mark Rielo
  4. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and Action: Elect Officers for 2025 Calendar Year.
  5. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Citizen Comment Period: Individuals limited to 3 minutes; no specific action may be taken.
  6. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    El Paso County Update - Veterans Assistance Program Manager - Antoinette Hunt
  7. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and Action: Vote to establish Subcommittee Chairs.
  8. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion: Monthly Update from VAAC Sub Committees Chairs. a. Employment b. Homelessness c. Mental Health
  9. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion: Vote to approve Proposed VAAC Bylaw changes addressing the following: a. Discussion and Action: Officer Term limits b. Discussion and Action: Committee and Sub Committee Attendances c. Discussion: Updated regulatory language to conform with the VAAC Resolution
  10. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and Action: Vote to amend the enabling VAAC Resolution to change the name of the committee.
  11. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion: Guidance for Annual update to Council scheduled for April 28, 2025.
  12. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Division of Veteran and Military Affairs Update.
  13. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Announcements: Limited to Veteran and Military events pertinent to the El Paso Region.
  14. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion on proposed agenda items for next meeting.
  15. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Next VAAC Meeting: Thursday February 20, 2025, at 10:00AM.
  16. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion: Community update, Service Dog Nation presentation, Darci Escandon founder and president.

Sun Metro Citizens Advisory Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Committee meeting of September 11, 2024.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion regarding Sun Metro’s review of transit vehicle types and vehicle purchase plan (Jerry DeMuro, Deputy Transit Officer).
  3. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion regarding a review of on-time performance for paratransit trips (Victor Caraveo, Project Manager).
  4. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion regarding an update on Veterans Ride for Free grant progress (Rodolfo Reyes, Grants Project Manager).
  5. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion regarding progress on accessible pathways construction project for Sun Metro Rising (Robert Mendez, Transit Senior Service Planner).
  6. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion on potential goals for use of Sun Metro transit centers (Scott White, Chair).
  7. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    For notation: · EPATS LGC Board of Directors meet monthly regarding transit services in the El Paso County Transit service area. Website: https://www.epcounty.com/EPATS/ · The Sun Metro Paratransit Advisory Public Meeting occurs twice on the first Thursday of every even-numbered month. For more information, please contact Mr. Victor Caraveo at 212-LIFT. Meeting announcements are also posted on Sun Metro’s Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/sunmetro

31 new matters since 7 days ago

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action with any information pertaining to the Focus Area subgroup assignments and any updates from November 2024 to the present, submitted by Commissioner Luevanos and voted into effect by the WRC as a standing item for each meeting.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action to approve the Minutes of the Women’s Rights Commission Meeting of November 12, 2024.


  3. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Presentation on the Establishing Resolution and the Opens Meeting Act, Karla Saenz, Assistant City Attorney, City of El Paso.
  4. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action on the progress the Women’s Rights Commission has made in regard to maternity benefits provided to City employees, submitted by Commissioner Turner.
  5. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion and action on a proposed list of key items/ key elements to submit to City Council that was voted and approved during the November 2024 WRC Meeting.
  6. Agenda Ready
    Operational Focus Updates

    Discussion and action on a Resolution to adopt the City of El Paso’s State Legislative Agenda and legislative session update for the 89th Texas Legislative Session.


  7. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Litigation Report (551.071)
  8. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Mayor Renard U. Johnson in the amounts of $500.00 from Richard De Santos, $5,000.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $5,000.00 from Lane Gaddy, $500.00 from Albert Gamboa, $12,000.00 from Julio Chiu, $5,000.00 from Ronald Malooly Sr., $2,500.00 from Sundt Texas Political Action Committee, $500.00 from Cliff Eisenberg, $5,000.00 from Rick Francis, $5,000.00 from Woody & Gayle Hunt, $5,000.00 from Aaron Chiu, $2,500.00 from Miguel Fernandez, $1,000.00 from Steve DeGroat, $500.00 from Victor Arias, $2,000.00 from Adam Frank, $5,000.00 from Gerald Rubin, $1,000.00 from Scott Kesner, $5,000.00 from Ronald Lowenfield, $1,000.00 from Paul Porras, $500.00 from Richard Porras, $1,000.00 from Crayton Webb, $2,500.00 from The Law Office of Steve Ortega LLC, $1,500.00 from Freddy Klayel-Avalos, $3,000.00 from Paige Fox, $500.00 from Raymond Palacios, $600.00 from David Osborne, $1,000.00 from Roy Lopez, $4,000.00 from Edward Houghton, $5,000.00 from Larry Wollschlager, $5,000.00 from Blake Anderson, $5,000.00 from Sue Anderson, $3,000.00 from William Sanders, $500.00 from Michael and Dawn Gopin, $1,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $500.00 from Ogechika Alozie, $1,000.00 from Josh Hunt, $5,000.00 from Julio Chiu, $3,000.00 from Louann Sanders, $500.00 from EP Nichols LLC, $500.00 from Isidro Lopez, $2,550.00 from Daniel Longoria, $10,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $1,000.00 from Cesar Blanco, $10,000.00 from TREPAC - Texas Realtors Political Action Committee, $2,500.00 from Bill Randag, $10,000.00 from Douglas Schwartz, $1,500.00 from HNTB Holdings Ltd Political Action Committee, $2,500.00 from Brent Harris, $5,000.00 from Fred Loya, $1,500.00 from Alfredo Corral, $3,000.00 from Snap Partners LP, $1,250.00 from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, $2,500.00 from International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, $1,500.00 from El Paso Electric Company Employee Political Action Committee, $1,000.00 from Alvin Johnson, $975.00 from Severo Hughston, and $75,000.00 from Ysleta Del Sur.
  9. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Chris Canales to the City of El Paso Employees Retirement Trust Board of Trustees by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.


  10. Agenda Ready
    Board Re-Appointments

    Representative Josh Acevedo to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.


  11. Agenda Ready

    A Resolution to authorize the expenditure of District 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 discretionary funds, in an amount not to exceed $6,000 each, to fund their participation in the El Paso Chamber’s El Paso Days in Austin event.


  12. Agenda Ready
    Special Appointments

    A Resolution that Representative Alejandra Chávez be appointed to the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization, to fill a currently vacant position on the TPB, effective immediately.


  13. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    El Paso Firemen and Policemen Pension Fund request. HQ-3676 (551.074)
  14. Agenda Ready
    Members of the City Council

    Discussion and action to direct the City Manager and City Attorney to conduct a review of all City boards and commissions.


  15. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Alejandra Chávez to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.


  16. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Deanna Maldonado-Rocha to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.


  17. Agenda Ready
    Board Appointments

    Representative Ivan Niño to the Financial Oversight and Audit Committee by Mayor Renard U. Johnson.


  18. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of campaign contributions by Representative Ivan Niño in the amount of $ 1,000.00 from El Paso Electric Company Employees Political Action Committee, $1,000.00 from Richard Aguilar, $1,000.00 from Omega General & Electrical Contractors LLC, $1,000.00 from SNAP Partners LP, and $2,500.00 from Woody L. & Gayle Hunt.
  19. Agenda Ready
    Notice of Campaign Contributions

    For notation pursuant to Section 2.92.080 of the City Code, receipt of a campaign contribution by Representative Cynthia Boyar Trejo in the amount of $2,500 from Woody Hunt.
  20. Agenda Ready
    Special Appointments

    A Resolution that Representative Art Fierro be appointed to the Transportation Policy Board (TPB) for the Metropolitan Planning Organization, to fill a currently vacant position on the TPB, effective immediately.


  21. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Resubdivision Combination: SUSU24-00089: El Paso Hills Replat B - Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 32, El Paso Hills Unit Six; a portion of Lots 7 and 8, and all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, Block 33; and a portion of Lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Block 34; El Paso Hills Unit Seven, El Paso County, Texas Location: West of Horizon Blvd. and North of Interstate 10 Existing Zoning: N/A - Property lies within Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Property Owner: Skinny Properties, LLC Representative: SLI Engineering, Inc. District: N/A - Property lies within Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) Staff Contact: Saul Fontes, (915) 212-1606, [email protected]
  22. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Approval of Minutes: Discussion and action on the City Plan Commission minutes for December 15, 2024.


  23. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Detailed Site Development Plan Application: PZDS24-00026: A portion of Lot 51, Block 6, Paseos Del Sol #1, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Texas Location: 1540 Joe Battle Blvd. Existing Zoning: C-4/c (Commercial/conditions) Property Owner: G Mark Properties East LLC Representative: Alvidrez Architecture Inc. District: 6 Staff Contact: Saul J. G. Pina, (915) 212-1604, [email protected]
  24. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on economic development opportunity in West El Paso. HQ# 24-4016 (551.087)
  25. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    John Surface and Adan Chavez v. City of El Paso et. al; Cause No.: 24-CV-00226-DB (551.071)
  26. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    City of McAllen, et al v. The State of Texas; Cause No. D-1-GN-17-00476 (551.071)
  27. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    2024 Newman Buffer CCN, Seeking Approval of 100 MW Solar, 100 MW Battery to be located near Newman Power Plant; HQ#UTILITY-61 (551.071)
  28. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Ruben A. Soto v. Officer Daniel Monge, Officer Sabrina Gonzalez, Chief Allen, and the City of El Paso. Cause No.: 3:23-CV-00256 (551.071)
  29. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on economic development opportunity in Central El Paso, HQ#24-2864 (551.071) (551.072) (551.087)
  30. Agenda Ready
    Executive Session

    Discussion on an economic development opportunity in Central El Paso, HQ#24-3471 (551.087)
  31. Agenda Ready
    Board Agenda Items

    Discussion: Community update, Service Dog Nation presentation, Darci Escandon founder and president.