Rental Housing Committee7 matters
- Agenda ReadyConsent CalendarMinutes for the December 12, 2024 RHC Meeting
Minutes RHC Meeting, December 12, 2024
- Minutes RHC Meeting, December 12, 2024Open Minutes RHC Meeting, December 12, 2024
- Agenda ReadyAppeal HearingAppeal of Hearing Officer's Decision Re: Petition Nos. C23240057 and C23240058
Consider the Tentative Appeal Decision and either accept the Tentative Appeal Decision or modify the Tentative Appeal Decision with instructions to staff citing appropriate evidence in the record.
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 - Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition Nos. C23240057 and C23240058 (Dec. 2, 2024)Open ATT 1 - Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition Nos. C23240057 and C23240058 (Dec. 2, 2024)
- ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (Sep. 24, 2024)Open ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (Sep. 24, 2024)
- ATT 3 - Appellant-Landlord Appeal of Decision (Oct. 7, 2024)Open ATT 3 - Appellant-Landlord Appeal of Decision (Oct. 7, 2024)
- ATT 4 - Appellant-Landlord Response to Tentative Appeal Decision (Dec. 9, 2024)Open ATT 4 - Appellant-Landlord Response to Tentative Appeal Decision (Dec. 9, 2024)
- Agenda ReadyAppeal HearingAppeal of Hearing Officer's Decision Re: Petition No. C23240065
Consider the Tentative Appeal Decision and either accept the Tentative Appeal Decision or modify the Tentative Appeal Decision with instructions to staff citing appropriate evidence in the record.
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 -Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition No. C23240065Open ATT 1 -Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition No. C23240065
- ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (Oct. 2, 2024)Open ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (Oct. 2, 2024)
- ATT 3 - Appellant-Tenant Appeal of Decision (Oct. 14, 2024)Open ATT 3 - Appellant-Tenant Appeal of Decision (Oct. 14, 2024)
- Agenda ReadyNew BusinessRent Stabilization Division Annual Update of Outreach and Education Program
Provide the Rental Housing Committee with an annual informational update on the Outreach and Education Program of the Rent Stabilization Division, including summaries of the activities conducted in Fiscal Year 2023-24 and the activities planned for Fiscal Year 2024-25
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 - Rent Stabilization Division Fiscal Year 2023-24 Activity ReportOpen ATT 1 - Rent Stabilization Division Fiscal Year 2023-24 Activity Report
- Agenda ReadyNew BusinessAnnual Update on Relevant Legislation and Case Law in California
Provide the Rental Housing Committee with updates on legislation adopted by the California legislature during the 2024 legislative year related to landlord-tenant laws as well as recent court cases related to just cause for eviction and termination notice requirements.
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 - 2024 Annual Update on Relevant Legislation and Case Law in CaliforniaOpen ATT 1 - 2024 Annual Update on Relevant Legislation and Case Law in California
- Agenda ReadyPresentationUpcoming Workshops and Housing Help Center Dates
- Agenda ReadyPresentationExpected Future Agenda Items for RHC Meetings: RHC Meeting Thursday February27, 2025: -Annual Registration/Rental Housing Fee Update -Tenant Anti-Harassment and Retaliation Protections
RHC Meeting Thursday February27, 2025: - Annual Registration/Rental Housing Fee Update - Tenant Anti-Harassment and Retaliation Protections