Rental Housing Committee7 matters
- Consent CalendarMinutes for the June 27, 2024, RHC Meeting
MOTION - MS - Cox/ Keating - To: Approve the Rental Housing Committee meeting minutes. Copies of the minutes for the above noted meeting have been delivered to Committee Members and copies are available online.The motion carried by the following vote:
- Minutes RHC Meeting, June 27, 2024Open Minutes RHC Meeting, June 27, 2024
- Appeal HearingAppeal of Hearing Officer's Decision Re: Petition No. C23240032
MOTION - MS - Cox/ Ma - To: To consider the Tentative Appeal Decision and either accept the Tentative Appeal Decision or modify the Tentative Appeal Decision with instructions to staff citing appropriate evidence in the record to support the changes.The motion carried by the following vote:
- ATT 1 - Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition Nos. C23240032Open ATT 1 - Tentative Appeal Decision for Petition Nos. C23240032
- ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (April 24, 2024)Open ATT 2 - Decision of Hearing Officer (April 24, 2024)
- ATT 3 - Appellant-Landlord Appeal of Decision (May 8, 2024)Open ATT 3 - Appellant-Landlord Appeal of Decision (May 8, 2024)
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- Study SessionProposed Amendments to Chapter 7: Procedures for Annual General Adjustments of the Community Stabilization and Fair Rent Act Regulations and Chapter 8: Procedures for Annual General Adjustments for Mobile Home Rent Stabilization Ordinance Regulations
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 - Draft Amendments to CSFRA Regulations Chapter 7: Procedures for AGAOpen ATT 1 - Draft Amendments to CSFRA Regulations Chapter 7: Procedures for AGA
- ATT 2 - Draft Amendments to MHRSO Regulations Chapter 8: Procedures for AGAOpen ATT 2 - Draft Amendments to MHRSO Regulations Chapter 8: Procedures for AGA
- New BusinessFiscal Year 2024-25 Rental Housing Committee Meeting Schedule
MOTION - MS - Ma/ Keating - To: To adopt a Resolution of the Rental Housing Committee of the City of Mountain View to modify the Meeting Schedule from a Calendar Year basis to a Fiscal Year basis and set the dates for Rental Housing Committee Meetings for Fiscal Year 2024-2025 with the amendment to June 19, 2025 to June 12, 2025. The motion carried by the following vote:
- ATT 1 - Resolution to modify the Meeting Schedule and set the meeting dates for FY 2024-25Open ATT 1 - Resolution to modify the Meeting Schedule and set the meeting dates for FY 2024-25
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- New BusinessFiscal Year 2024-25 Rental Housing Committee Workplan
- Staff ReportOpen Staff Report
- ATT 1 - Fiscal Year 2024-25 Rental Housing Committee WorkplanOpen ATT 1 - Fiscal Year 2024-25 Rental Housing Committee Workplan
- Information OnlyUpcoming Workshops and Housing Help Center Dates
- Information OnlyExpected Future Agenda Items for RHC Meetings