North Richland Hills City Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

6 agenda updates since 14 days ago

Teen Court Advisory Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Approve minutes of September 12, 2024, Teen Court Advisory Board Meeting
  2. Agenda Ready

    Discussion on updated application of completion credit for alternative projects.
  3. Agenda Ready

    Discussion on updated Discipline Grid guidelines.

Keep Nrh Beautiful Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Discuss Governor’s Community Achievement Award Application
  2. Agenda Ready

    Discuss Classes and Schedule for 2025

Planning And Zoning Commission

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Approve Minutes of the December 2, 2024, Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
  2. Agenda Ready
    Special Use Permit

    ZC24-0116 Public hearing and consideration of a request from CJ Real Estate LLC for a revision to Planned Development 114 to allow a quick service restaurant at 7601 Boulevard 26, being 0.66 acres described as a portion of Lot 3, Block 1, Richland Terrace Addition.

    A motion was made by Commissioner, Alternate B Carpenter, seconded by Commissioner Goetz to approved. Approve ZC24-0116. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 7-0.

  3. Agenda Ready
    Final Plat

    PLAT24-0081 Consideration of a request from Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. for a final plat of Willow Springs Addition, being 18.962 acres located at 6900-7100 Davis Boulevard.

    A motion was made by Commissioner Stamps, seconded by Commissioner McMahon to approved. Approve PLAT24-0081 with the conditions outlined in the Development Review Committee comments. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 7-0.

  4. Agenda Ready
    Final Plat

    Consideration of a request from Scott Hoberer for an exception to Section 110-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance to waive the requirement to plat the property for construction of an accessory structure at 8900 Amundson Drive, being 0.73 acres described as Tract 2N, Tandy K Martin Survey, Abstract 1055.

    A motion was made by Commissioner Stamps, seconded by Commissioner, Alternate B Carpenter to approved. C.2 Consideration of a request from Scott Hoberer for an exception to Section 110-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance to waive the requirement to plat the property for construction of an accessory structure at 8900 Amundson Drive, being 0.73 acres described as Tract 2N, Tandy K Martin Survey, Abstract 1055. . The motion failed

  5. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    Managing Director Report
  6. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    Presentation by staff on items from the regular Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.
  7. Agenda Ready
    Final Plat

    Consideration of a request from Scott Hoberer for an exception to Section 110-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance to waive the requirement to plat the property for construction of an accessory structure at 8900 Amundson Drive, being 0.73 acres described as Tract 2N, Tandy K Martin Survey, Abstract 1055.

    A motion was made by Commissioner Ross, seconded by Commissioner McMahon to approved. To Deny the request. . The motion failed

  8. Agenda Ready
    Final Plat

    Consideration of a request from Scott Hoberer for an exception to Section 110-41 of the Subdivision Ordinance to waive the requirement to plat the property for construction of an accessory structure at 8900 Amundson Drive, being 0.73 acres described as Tract 2N, Tandy K Martin Survey, Abstract 1055.

    A motion was made by Commissioner Goetz, seconded by Commissioner McMahon to approved. Continue the request to the February 6 meeting. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 7-0.


City Council

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    Discuss creating a City Council subcommittee to serve as liaison to the NRH Links Unit for strategic initiatives including process improvement and efficiency studies.
  2. Agenda Ready

    Discuss items from regular City Council meeting.
  3. Agenda Ready

    Approve the minutes of the December 9, 2024 City Council meeting.
  4. Agenda Ready

    Award RFB 25-006 to Tex-Pro Construction, LLC, for construction of drainage infrastructure on Heidelburg Court and Colorado Boulevard as part of the Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements FY24 Project (DR2401), in the amount of $193,705, and authorize the City Manager to execute the related construction agreement.

    A motion was made by Deputy Mayor Pro Tem Vaughn, seconded by Council Member Mitchell to Award RFB 25-006 to Tex-Pro Construction, LLC, for construction of the Miscellaneous Drainage Improvements FY24 Project (DR2401), in the amount of $193,705, and authorize the City Manager to execute the related construction agreement. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 6-0.

  5. Agenda Ready

    Authorize the purchase of a permanently mounted generator for the Conn Pump Station and ground water storage reservoir from Cummins Inc., utilizing Sourcewell Cooperative Contract No. 092222-CMM in an amount not to exceed $387,293.

    A motion was made by Council Member Blake, seconded by Associate Mayor Pro Tem Rodriguez to Authorize the purchase of a permanently mounted generator from Cummins Inc., utilizing Sourcewell Cooperative Contract No. 092222-CMM in an amount not to exceed $387,293. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 6-0.

  6. Agenda Ready

    Discuss and receive direction on creating a citizen's capital program advisory committee to consider recommendations for street reconstructions, facility needs and other future capital improvements and whether to hold a bond election in November 2025 or May 2026 to ask the voters to consider General Obligation bonds to fund necessary capital improvements.
  7. Agenda Ready

    Approve award of bid RFP 25-002 to Entech Sales and Services, LLC. for the purchase and construction of the indoor aquatics HVAC system at the NRH Centre in the amount not to exceed $1,779,369, and authorize the City Manager to execute the related construction agreement.

    This Contract was approved.

  8. Agenda Ready

    Authorize City Manager to execute an agreement with StraTact Media Group, LLC for media advertising for NRH2O Family Water Park in an amount not to exceed $291,500.
  9. Agenda Ready

    Public hearing and consideration of Ordinance No. 3884, adopting the North Richland Hills Youth Programs Standards of Care.

    A motion was made by Council Member Compton, seconded by Council Member Rodriguez to approve Ordinance No. 3884. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 6-0.

  10. Agenda Ready

  11. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    Discussion of possible revisions to Chapter 106 (Signs) of the North Richland Hills Code of Ordinances regarding electronic message boards and allowing wall signs on three faces of a building.
  12. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    Welcome and introduction - public official, public employee, or citizen.
  13. Agenda Ready

    Consider Resolution No. 2025-001, appointing a member to the Library Board, Place 1.

    A motion was made by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Compton to Approve Resolution No. 2025-001, appointing Kyle Pekurney to Place 1 on the Library Board. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 6-0.

  14. Agenda Ready
    Work Session

    City Manager Report providing an update regarding the status of Lean Six Sigma training, status of Efficiency Study Request for Proposals, status of Police Chief recruitment
  15. Agenda Ready

    Section 551.071: Consultation with City Attorney regarding legal advice related to communication on behalf of the City.
  16. Agenda Ready

    Approve award of bid RFP 25-002 to Entech Sales and Services, LLC. for the purchase and construction of the indoor aquatics HVAC system at the NRH Centre in the amount not to exceed $1,779,369, and authorize the City Manager to execute the related construction agreement.

    A motion was made by Council Member Rodriguez, seconded by Council Member Compton to Approve award of bid RFP 25-002 to Entech Sales and Services, LLC. for the purchase and construction of the indoor aquatics HVAC system at the NRH Centre in the amount not to exceed $1,779,369, and authorize the City Manager to execute the related construction agreement. MOTION TO APPROVE CARRIED 6-0.


Library Board

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    Elect Board Chair and Vice Chair.
  2. Agenda Ready

    Approve minutes of the November 21, 2024 regular Library Board meeting.
  3. Agenda Ready

    Library closure and furniture installation update.
  4. Agenda Ready

    Past Library programs and events update.
  5. Agenda Ready

    Discuss FY 2026 Budget.
  6. Agenda Ready

    Discuss any personnel updates.
  7. Agenda Ready

    Discuss and consider date for next Library Board meeting.

Youth Advisory Committee

    4 new matters since 7 days ago

    Filters for matters
    1. Agenda Ready

      Discuss Classes and Schedule for 2025


    2. Agenda Ready

      Discuss Governor’s Community Achievement Award Application
