Prince George’s County Council
Meeting Agendas & Matters

16 agenda updates since 14 days ago

County Council

Filters for matters
  1. Agenda Ready

    County Council Minutes dated September 17, 2024
  2. Agenda Ready
    Consent Agenda

  3. Agenda Ready

    COUNCIL MEMBER WORKGROUP UPDATES COG Board of Directors (Council Members Dernoga and Watson) Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (Council Member Dernoga) Chesapeake Bay and Water Resources Policy Committee (Council Member Burroughs) COG Transportation Planning Board (Council Member Olson)
  4. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING DEPARTMENT OF PERMITTING, INSPECTIONS AND ENFORCEMENT for the purpose of increasing all fees maintained by the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement, with such increase to be approved by the County Council after notice and public hearing.
  5. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of adding classes of work to the Classification Plan of the County.
  6. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CREATION OF NEW SALARY SCHEDULE ASSISTANT STATE’S ATTORNEYS EXEMPT EMPLOYEES - SALARY SCHEDULE SAO for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to create a new Salary Schedule for certain exempt employees of the State’s Attorney’s Office and to reflect pay rates and benefits for these Assistant State’s Attorneys.
  7. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE VACANT REAL PROPERTIES TAX RATE for the purpose of establishing a real property tax rate for real properties consisting of vacant houses/buildings or improved property cited as vacant and unfit for habitation or other authorized use on a housing or building violation notice.
  8. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING - REVISIONS for the purpose of adding and revising certain definitions; providing for certain exemptions; requiring certain alarms; regarding the potential waiver of certain requirements by the Director of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement in certain instances; requiring a certain form for the application for certain waiver exemptions; assessing a certain administrative fee in an amount per each waiver per each dwelling unit in a residential development project at the time of building permit for the cost of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement’s processing and review of the Universal Design for Housing waiver provision as prescribed in the Table of Fees; imposing penalties for non-compliance of certain violations of the Universal Design for Housing law; providing for a certain appeal from a certain waiver denial; and generally regarding Universal Design elements for certain newly constructed residential housing dwelling units.
  9. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING WAIVER REQUEST FEE for the purpose of adopting an administrative Universal Design for Housing Waiver Request Fee for the processing and review of an applicant’s universal design for housing waiver request; and generally regarding waivers and administrative fees.
  10. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL ELECTION for the purpose of providing for a special election to fill a vacancy on the County Council; eliminating special primary elections; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for certain dates for a special election; providing for polling place hours; providing for certain funding and requirements to cover the costs of a special election; prohibiting a special election from being held at a certain time; providing for the conduct of a special election pursuant to State law; providing that State law, the County Charter, and County law shall be applicable to a special election, unless otherwise unreasonable; removing a special primary election from publication requirements; providing for special election publication; providing for the filing of a certain certificate of candidacy by a certain date; providing for a certain party designation; providing for the voting for an At-Large seat; providing for proposed candidates and the specimen ballot; providing for the reference to the Board of Elections; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regarding a special election in Prince George’s County.
  11. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY EXECUTIVE SPECIAL ELECTION for the purpose of providing for a special election to fill a vacancy in the Office of the County Executive; eliminating special primary elections; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for the date of the special election; providing for polling place hours; prohibiting a special election from being held at a certain time; providing for certain funding and requirements to cover the costs for the special election; providing for the conduct of a special election pursuant to State law; providing that State law, the County Charter, and County law shall be applicable to a special election, unless otherwise unreasonable; providing for certain publication requirements; providing for the filing of a certificate of candidacy by a certain date; providing for a certain party designation; providing for the mailing of a certain specimen ballot; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regarding a special election in Prince George’s County.
  12. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY COUNCIL SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS for the purpose of providing for a special primary election and special general election to fill a vacancy on the County Council; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for certain dates for a special primary election and a special general election; providing for the removal of a prohibition on a special primary election and special general election from being held at a certain time; providing for references to the voting for an At-Large seat; providing for references to the Board of Elections; providing for references to special primary elections and special general elections; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regarding special primary elections and special general elections in Prince George’s County.
  13. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN EMERGENCY ACT CONCERNING COUNTY EXECUTIVE SPECIAL PRIMARY ELECTIONS AND SPECIAL GENERAL ELECTIONS for the purpose of providing for a special primary election and special general election to fill a vacancy in the Office of the County Executive; providing for the adoption of a certain Resolution regarding a certain vacancy; providing for certain dates for a special primary election and a special general election; providing for the removal of a prohibition on a special primary election and special general election from being held at a certain time; providing for certain publication requirements; providing for the mailing of a certain specimen ballot; providing for references to special primary elections and special general elections; providing for references to the Board of Elections; making this Act an emergency bill; providing for the effective date of this Act; providing for the adoption of this Act; and generally regarding special primary elections and special general elections in Prince George’s County.

Sitting As The District Council

Filters for matters
  1. Item for Discussion
    Detailed Site Plan (Prior Ordinance)

    9395 Lanham Dunkin
  2. Oral Arguments
    Specific Design Plan

    Saddle Ridge
  3. Pending Finality PB

  4. Pending Finality ZHE
    Special Exception

    LOL Childcare Stations

Health, Human Services And Public Safety Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Final

    PARKS AND PUBLIC SAFETY Germaine Haywood Chief of Police Prince George's County Division Maryland-National Capital Park Police Galvin Savoy Executive Lieutenant/PIO Prince George's County Division Maryland-National Capital Park Police The Honorable Senator Michael Jackson District 27 Maryland General Assembly The Honorable Senator Nick Charles District 25 Maryland General Assembly The Honorable Delegate Nicole Williams District 22 Maryland General Assembly The Honorable Delegate Deni Taveras District 47B Maryland General Assembly

    This Briefing was Briefing held


Education And Workforce Development Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Committee Agenda Ready

    Prince George's Community College & Employ Prince George's, Inc. - County Labor Force and County Job Prospects For PGCC Graduates Walter L. Simmons President & CEO Employ Prince George's, Inc. Jeffrey Dufresne Chief Financial Officer Employ Prince George's, Inc. Dr. Clay Railey Executive Vice President and Provost Prince George's Community College Dr. De’Andre Jones Assistant Vice President for Partnerships and Economic Development Prince George's Community College Dr. Gavette Richardson Director of Government Relations and Community Outreach Prince George's Community College Valerie Farrar Deputy Director Office of Human Resources Management David Williams SYEP and Youth@Work Manager Office of Human Resources Management Leslie Garrett Talent Acquisition Manager Office of Human Resources Management Yolonda Smedley Associate Director Office of Human Resources Management

Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy And Environment Committee

Filters for matters
  1. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointments of the following individuals to the Agricultural Resources Advisory Committee: Ms. Tracey A. Duval Appointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2027 Ms. Jennifer S. Cross Reappointment Term Expiration: 6/30/2027
  2. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING NOISE CONTROL for the purpose of clarifying the County noise policy; providing for a certain definition; providing for maximum allowable noise levels; repealing waivers and certain regulations and fees for noise level and noise disturbance standards for construction; repealing certain exceptions; providing for certain exemptions; providing for increased penalties; providing for changes for certain civil citation; and generally regarding noise control.
  3. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING WOODLAND AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION ORDINANCE for the purpose of revising the validity and grandfathering and notification requirements in the existing subtitle.

County Council

Filters for matters
  1. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointment of the following individuals to the Wage Determination Board: Ms. Joy R. Anderson Reappointment: Management Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Orlando A. Bonilla Reappointment: Labor Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Ms. Tisa J.D. Clark Reappointment: Management Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Lino V. Cressotti (withdrawn) Reappointment: Labor Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Rhett A. Roe Appointment: Public Representative Replacing: Vacant Term Expiration: 2/22/2027

    This Appointment was public hearing held

  2. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointments of the following individuals to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee: Mr. Charles L. Renninger Reappointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2026 Ms. Luisa F. Robles Diaz-de-Leon Appointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2027

    This Appointment was public hearing held

  3. confirmed

    Appointment of the following individual as the Director of the Office of Procurement: Ms. Pamela Ford Dickerson Director, Office of Procurement Prince George’s County

    This Appointment was public hearing held

  4. Agenda Ready

    County Council Minutes dated September 10, 2024

    These Minutes were approved.

  5. Agenda Ready
    Consent Agenda


    A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Consent Agenda be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:

  6. Agenda Ready

    COUNCIL MEMBER WORKGROUP UPDATES COG Board of Directors (Council Members Dernoga and Watson) Metropolitan Washington Air Quality Committee (Council Member Dernoga)

    This Briefing was rescheduled to a later date

  7. Second Reading
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING RENTAL HOUSING - DISCLOSURE for the purpose of requiring certain application disclosures for certain single-family rental facility or multifamily rental facility housing; requiring that certain information be provided including, but not limited, to [the name and the physical address of the owner of a corporate body and] the name and physical address of [their] an owner’s authorized agent and resident agent on an on-line searchable public database of all licensed single-family rental facility and multifamily rental facility housing in the County maintained by the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement; and the name and physical address of the owner’s mortgage holder and proof of insurance and the name and physical address of the insurance company[;] [requiring that certain disclosure information shall be] made available by the Department to the public in a timely manner, upon request; and generally regarding rental housing disclosure.

    A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Council Bill be amended (1). The motion carried by the following vote:

  8. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING SUPPLEMENTARY APPROPRIATION OF FEDERAL, STATE AND OTHER FUNDS for the purpose of appropriating funding from grants in the amount of $6,706,154 for the Fire/EMS Department, Department of Corrections, Department of Family Services, Health Department, Department of Social Services, Department of Public Works and Transportation, Department of the Environment, Office of Homeland Security, and the Circuit Court.

    This Resolution was introduced and referred

  9. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING ADJUSTMENTS TO APPROVED POSITION GRADES for the purpose of adjusting the number of positions in certain grades in the Office of Information Technology, Office of Law, Circuit Court, Police Department, Fire/EMS Department, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Environment, Department of Permitting, Licensing and Enforcement, Department of Social Services, and the Health Department.

    This Resolution was introduced and referred

  10. Agenda Ready

    TRAIN DERAILMENT City of Hyattsville Lesley Riddle, Director of Public Works, City of Hyattsville Hal Metzler, Sr. Deputy Director of Public Works, City of Hyattsville Reggie Bagley, Emergency Manager, City of Hyattsville Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) - State Highway Administration (SHA) Derek L. Gunn, P.E., District Engineer, District 3, MDOT-SHA Justin Sosebee, Assistant District Engineer, District 3, MDOT-SHA Carm Saimbre, Customer Relations Manager, SHA CSX

    This Briefing was Briefing held

  11. Agenda Ready

    County Council Minutes dated September 9, 2024

    These Minutes were approved.

  12. Agenda Ready

    County Council Minutes dated September 10, 2024 Board of Health

    These Minutes were approved.

  13. Agenda Ready

    County Council Minutes dated September 10, 2024 6PM JPH

    These Minutes were approved.

  14. Third Reading
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING BID AND CONTRACT SECURITY for the purpose of amending a provision of Subtitle 10A to address the challenges experienced in the marketplace to implement the current County bonding requirements; to ensure the County and its subcontracting community has adequate security for its protection in construction projects.

    A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Watson, that this Council Bill be enacted. The motion carried by the following vote:

  15. Third Reading
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING COMMON OWNERSHIP COMMUNITIES - ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION for the purpose of adding Commissioners to Commission on Common Ownership Communities; providing for the terms and geographical requirements of Commission members; providing for certain powers; providing for certain definitions; providing for alternative dispute resolution and the exhaustion of administrative remedies; providing for a request for relief from a stay; providing for acceptance of jurisdiction of complaints; providing for the production of evidence; providing for mediation and dismissal before a hearing; providing for a hearing panel; providing for an administrative hearing; providing for the settlement of disputes and assistance to parties; and generally relating to alternative dispute resolution in common ownership communities.

    A motion was made by Council Member Blegay, seconded by Council Member Watson, that this Council Bill be enacted. The motion carried by the following vote:

  16. Third Reading
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the Classification Plan of the County to reallocate the grade for a certain class of work.

    A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Blegay, that this Council Bill be enacted. The motion carried by the following vote:

  17. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING INCREASE OF GENERAL PENALTY for the purpose of increasing the penalty for prohibited acts or violations of the County Code from $1000.00 to $5000.00.

    This Council Bill was presented and referred

  18. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING VEHICLE NOISE ABATEMENT MONITORING - PILOT PROGRAM for the purpose of establishing a pilot program to authorize the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in the County to better assist the Prince George’s County Police Department in enforcing certain motor vehicle noise requirements.

    This Council Bill was presented and referred

  19. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING RENTAL HOUSING LICENSES for the purpose of allowing the Department to require proof of a license exemption pursuant to Section 13-181, the suspension of a license for a violation of Subtitle, 4 Subtitle 5, Subtitle 11, Subtitle 13, or Subtitle 27, of this Code, deny the issuance of a rental license for failure to have a Use and Occupancy Permit, increase the fines for violation of this Section, and allow for the issuance of administrative citations and administrative Hearings.

    This Council Bill was presented and referred

  20. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING STOP SIGN MONITORING SYSTEMS - SCHOOL ZONES - AUTHORIZATION for the purpose of authorizing and implementing the use of stop sign monitoring systems on State and local highways located in Prince George’s County in a school zone to record violations of State law requiring obedience to stop signs pursuant to Md. Code Transportation Article Section 21-707, made a part hereof and set forth wholly within this Act; providing for the effective date of this Act; and other related provisions to the use and enforcement of stop sign monitoring systems in Prince George’s County.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Dernoga and Oriadha and referred to the Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee.

  21. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING WAIVER REQUEST FEE for the purpose of adopting an administrative Universal Design for Housing Waiver Request Fee for the processing and review of an applicant’s universal design for housing waiver request; and generally regarding waivers and administrative fees.

    This Resolution was introduced and referred

  22. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING HOUSING CODE for the purpose of establishing an investigation unit within the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement to aid in the investigation of certain Code violations; providing for certain staff and advisory and supervisory personnel; providing for certain reporting requirements; and generally regarding Housing Code enforcement.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Fisher and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

  23. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING - REVISIONS for the purpose of adding and revising certain definitions; providing for certain exemptions; requiring certain alarms; regarding the potential waiver of certain requirements by the Director of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement in certain instances; requiring a certain form for the application for certain waiver exemptions; assessing a certain administrative fee in an amount per each waiver per each dwelling unit in a residential development project at the time of building permit for the cost of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement’s processing and review of the Universal Design for Housing waiver provision as prescribed in the Table of Fees; imposing penalties for non-compliance of certain violations of the Universal Design for Housing law; providing for a certain appeal from a certain waiver denial; and generally regarding Universal Design elements for certain newly constructed residential housing dwelling units.

    This Council Bill was presented and referred

  24. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING MINIMUM WAGE INDEXING for the purpose of indexing Prince George’s County’s minimum wage to the Consumer Price Index.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Dernoga, Oriadha, Olson and Hawkins and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

  25. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING ABANDONED VEHICLES for the purpose of providing for the prohibition of abandoning vehicles within the County under certain circumstances; providing for certain increased fines; providing for certain increased penalties; and generally regarding towing of abandoned vehicles.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Dernoga and Oriadha and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

  26. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING COMMUNITY INFORMED POLICE TRAINING for the purpose of creating a collaboration in the recruitment of police cadets and police training among the Prince George’s County Police Department, local educational institutions and Prince George’s County based non-profit organizations that have been working on police reform and criminal justice issues.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Oriadha and referred to the Health, Human Services and Public Safety Committee.

  27. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING VEHICLE LAW - NOISE ABATEMENT MONITORING SYSTEMS - PILOT PROGRAM for the purpose of establishing a pilot program to authorize the use of noise abatement monitoring systems in Prince George’s County to enforce certain motor vehicle noise requirements; and generally relating to the use of noise abatement monitoring systems.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Hawkins and Dernoga and referred to the Health, Human Services and Public Safety Committee.

  28. Introduction and Adoption

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY HISPANIC RESTAURANT WEEK for the purpose of recognizing the first Sunday through Saturday period of National Hispanic Heritage Month as the annual Prince George’s County Hispanic Restaurant Week.

    This Resolution was introduced

  29. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE VACANT REAL PROPERTIES TAX RATE for the purpose of establishing a real property tax rate for real properties consisting of vacant houses/buildings or improved property cited as vacant and unfit for habitation or other authorized use on a housing or building violation notice.

    This Council Bill was presented and referred

  30. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING COMMERCIAL PROPERTY STANDARDS for the purpose of prohibiting linear lights in commercial storefronts to reduce the harmful effects of light pollution on Prince George’s County residents and neighborhoods.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Oriadha and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

  31. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE COMMUNITY PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION FUND for the purpose of creating the Community Protection and Preservation Fund, providing for the purpose of the Community Protection and Preservation Fund; establishing the Community Protection and Preservation Fund as a non-lapsing Fund; establishing the uses of the Fund; providing for the financing and administration of the Fund, and generally relating to the Community Protection and Preservation Fund.

    This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Hawkins and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

  32. introduction and referral


    This Resolution was introduced and referred

  33. Agenda Ready


    A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this ADJOURN be adjourned. The motion carried by the following vote:

  34. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING THE VACANT REAL PROPERTIES TAX RATE for the purpose of establishing a real property tax rate for real properties consisting of vacant houses/buildings or improved property cited as vacant and unfit for habitation or other authorized use on a housing or building violation notice.

    This Council Bill was removed from the Consent Agenda.

  35. Presentation and referral
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING - REVISIONS for the purpose of adding and revising certain definitions; providing for certain exemptions; requiring certain alarms; regarding the potential waiver of certain requirements by the Director of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement in certain instances; requiring a certain form for the application for certain waiver exemptions; assessing a certain administrative fee in an amount per each waiver per each dwelling unit in a residential development project at the time of building permit for the cost of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement’s processing and review of the Universal Design for Housing waiver provision as prescribed in the Table of Fees; imposing penalties for non-compliance of certain violations of the Universal Design for Housing law; providing for a certain appeal from a certain waiver denial; and generally regarding Universal Design elements for certain newly constructed residential housing dwelling units.

    This Council Bill was removed from Consent Agenda

  36. introduction and referral

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING UNIVERSAL DESIGN FOR HOUSING WAIVER REQUEST FEE for the purpose of adopting an administrative Universal Design for Housing Waiver Request Fee for the processing and review of an applicant’s universal design for housing waiver request; and generally regarding waivers and administrative fees.

    This Resolution was removed from Consent Agenda

  37. Agenda Ready
    Consent Agenda


    A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Watson, that CB-080-2024, CB-085-2024, and CR-083-2024 be removed from Consent Agenda. The motion carried by the following vote:

  38. Second Reading
    Council Bill

    AN ACT CONCERNING RENTAL HOUSING - DISCLOSURE for the purpose of requiring certain application disclosures for certain single-family rental facility or multifamily rental facility housing; requiring that certain information be provided including, but not limited, to [the name and the physical address of the owner of a corporate body and] the name and physical address of [their] an owner’s authorized agent and resident agent on an on-line searchable public database of all licensed single-family rental facility and multifamily rental facility housing in the County maintained by the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement; and the name and physical address of the owner’s mortgage holder and proof of insurance and the name and physical address of the insurance company[;] [requiring that certain disclosure information shall be] made available by the Department to the public in a timely manner, upon request; and generally regarding rental housing disclosure.

    This Council Bill was introduced

  39. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointment of the following individual to the Police Accountability Board: Mr. Daniel Armando Reappointment Term Expiration 6/30/2027

    A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Oriadha, that this Appointment be confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

  40. confirmed

    Appointment of the following individual as the Director of the Office of Procurement: Ms. Pamela Ford Dickerson Director, Office of Procurement Prince George’s County

    A motion was made by Council Member Hawkins, seconded by Council Member Oriadha, that this Appointment be confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

  41. confirmed

    Appointment of the following individual as the Director of the Office of Procurement: Ms. Pamela Ford Dickerson Director, Office of Procurement Prince George’s County

    A motion was made by Vice Chair Harrison that this Appointment be postponed. The motion failed for lack of a second.

  42. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointments of the following individuals to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee: Mr. Charles L. Renninger Reappointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2026 Ms. Luisa F. Robles Diaz-de-Leon Appointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2027

    A motion was made by Council Member Dernoga, seconded by Council Member Burroughs, that this Appointment be confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

  43. Committee Agenda Ready

    Appointment of the following individuals to the Wage Determination Board: Ms. Joy R. Anderson Reappointment: Management Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Orlando A. Bonilla Reappointment: Labor Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Ms. Tisa J.D. Clark Reappointment: Management Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Lino V. Cressotti (withdrawn) Reappointment: Labor Representative Term Expiration: 2/22/2026 Mr. Rhett A. Roe Appointment: Public Representative Replacing: Vacant Term Expiration: 2/22/2027

    A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Appointment be confirmed. The motion carried by the following vote:

  44. Introduction and Adoption

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY HISPANIC RESTAURANT WEEK for the purpose of recognizing the first Sunday through Saturday period of National Hispanic Heritage Month as the annual Prince George’s County Hispanic Restaurant Week.

    A motion was made by Council Member Fisher, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that this Council Draft be rules suspended. The motion carried by the following vote:

  45. Introduction and Adoption

    A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY HISPANIC RESTAURANT WEEK for the purpose of recognizing the first Sunday through Saturday period of National Hispanic Heritage Month as the annual Prince George’s County Hispanic Restaurant Week.

    A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Council Draft be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:


General Assembly Committee

    Sitting As The Committee Of The Whole

    Filters for matters
    1. Reported from Committee

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION for the purpose of transferring certain appropriations and expenditures between certain programs in the FY 2024-25 Operating Budget for the Recreation Fund.

      A motion was made by Council Member Burroughs, seconded by Council Member Watson, that this Resolution be amended. The motion carried by the following vote:

    2. Committee Agenda Ready

      Appointment of the following individual to the Police Accountability Board: Mr. Daniel Armando Reappointment Term Expiration 6/30/2027

      A motion was made by Council Member Burroughs, seconded by Council Member Watson, that this Appointment be Favorably recommended. The motion carried by the following vote:

    3. Reported from Committee

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION for the purpose of transferring certain appropriations and expenditures between certain programs in the FY 2024-25 Operating Budget for the Recreation Fund.

      A motion was made by Council Member Dernoga, seconded by Council Member Burroughs, that this Resolution be Favorably recommended with amendments. The motion carried by the following vote:


    Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy And Environment Committee

    Filters for matters
    1. Resolution Final Reading

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2018 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (JUNE 2024 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan.

      A motion was made by Vice Chair Harrison, seconded by Council Member Fisher, that this Resolution be Favorably recommended to the County Council. The motion carried by the following vote:

    2. Final

      WASHINGTON SUBURBAN SANITARY COMMISSION Polyfluoroalky Substances (PFAS) Lead Reduction Program Meter Infrastructure Replacement Program

      This Briefing was held.

    3. Committee Agenda Ready

      Appointments of the following individuals to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee: Mr. Charles L. Renninger Reappointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2026 Ms. Luisa F. Robles Diaz-de-Leon Appointment Term Expiration: 11-5-2027

      A motion was made by Vice Chair Harrison, seconded by Council Member Dernoga, that these Appointments be Favorably recommended to the Council Council. The motion carried by the following vote:


    Sitting As The Committee Of The Whole

    Filters for matters
    1. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING LAND BANK AUTHORITY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Code to establish the Land Bank Authority of Prince George’s County in accordance with the Annotated Maryland Code to acquire, manage, maintain, and repurpose blighted, abandoned, and distressed properties in Prince George’s County and have other powers and authority conferred by Maryland law upon land banks generally.
    2. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING SHORT-TERM RENTALS for the purpose of requiring the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement to maintain an on-line searchable public database of all licensed short-term rentals in the County; requiring certain database information; and generally regarding short-term rentals.
    3. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING - OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE STANDARDS for the purpose of setting the minimum number of parking spaces with electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for newly constructed multifamily and commercial developments; minimum required EV-Ready spaces in new multifamily developments; and minimum required parking spaces with accessible EV charging stations.
    4. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY CODE (2023 EDITION) for the purpose of adopting and publishing the 2023 Edition of the Prince George’s County Code.
    5. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SUBTITLE 27 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE for the purpose of adopting and publishing the 2023 Edition of the Zoning Ordinance of Prince George’s County, Maryland, being also Subtitle 27 of the Prince George’s County Code.
    6. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING SUBTITLE 24, SUBDIVISIONS for the purpose of adopting and publishing Subtitle 24, Subdivisions, of the 2023 Edition of the Prince George’s County Code.
    7. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT - SECURITY MEASURES AND SECURITY EQUIPMENT for the purpose of amending provisions of the Prince George’s County Code to provide for a certain definition; to require certain security measures and security equipment for Garden Style Apartments; delaying a certain implementation date of the provisions of this Act; providing for the effective date of this Act; and generally regarding landlord-tenant security measures and security equipment.
    8. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING REGULATION OF INVASIVE BAMBOO for the purpose of regulating invasive bamboo, and generally relating to the regulation of invasive bamboo.
    9. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY POLICE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION for the purpose of approving the labor agreement by and between Prince George's County, Maryland and the Prince George's County Police Civilian Employees Association to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications initially certified by the Prince George's County Public Employee Relations Board and amended by the Office of Human Resources Management from time to time.
    10. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY POLICE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION SALARY SCHEDULE P, SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to reflect the terms of the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and the Prince George’s County Police Civilian Employees Association (PCEA).

    Planning, Housing And Economic Development Committee

    Filters for matters
    1. Held in Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING BUILDING CODE - ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS for the purpose of improving public awareness of local development activity by directing the directors of the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement and the Prince George’s County Planning Department to establish a single public interface for tracking development applications.

      A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Harrison, that this Council Bill be held. The motion carried by the following vote:

    2. Held in Committee
      Council Bill

      AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING CONVENIENCE STORE LOCATIONS AND HOURS OF OPERATION for the purpose of amending the Zoning Ordinance to revise the use-specific standards applicable to convenience stores by adding a minimum distance between convenience store uses; and set reasonable hours of operation for convenience stores in furtherance of the public safety, health, and welfare of citizens and residents of Prince George’s County.

      A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Harrison, that this Council Bill be held. The motion carried by the following vote:


    County Council

    Joint Public Hearing - Mount Hermon Masonic Temple And Maiatico House Historic Site Designation

    Filters for matters
    1. public hearing held
      Joint Public Hearing

      THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY COUNCIL, SITTING AS THE DISTRICT COUNCIL, AND THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY PLANNING BOARD OF THE MARYLAND-NATIONAL CAPITAL PARK AND PLANNING COMMISSION JOINT PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED HISTORIC SITE DESIGNATION AS TO CERTAIN PROPERTIES IN PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY 68-010-95 and 66-030-01) Pursuant to provisions of the Land Use Article of the Maryland Annotated Code, as well as Subtitle 29 of the Prince George’s County Code, the County Council of Prince George’s County, Maryland, sitting as the District Council, and the Prince George’s County Planning Board of The Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission hereby give notice of a joint public hearing in order to receive public testimony concerning the proposed designation of two (2) properties in Prince George’s County as Historic Sites; specifically, the Mount Hermon Masonic Temple (Documented Property 68-010-95); and the Maiatico House (Documented Property 66-030-01).

      This Joint Public Hearing was public hearing held.

    2. Agenda Ready


      A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this meeting be adjourned. The motion carried by unanimous vote.

    County Council

    Filters for matters
    1. Resolution Final Reading

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE 2018 WATER AND SEWER PLAN (JUNE 2024 CYCLE OF AMENDMENTS) for the purpose of changing the water and sewer category designations of properties within the 2018 Water and Sewer Plan.

      The public hearing for this Resolution was held.

    2. Third Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING BID AND CONTRACT SECURITY for the purpose of amending a provision of Subtitle 10A to address the challenges experienced in the marketplace to implement the current County bonding requirements; to ensure the County and its subcontracting community has adequate security for its protection in construction projects.

      The public hearing for this Council Bill was held.

    3. Third Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING COMMON OWNERSHIP COMMUNITIES - ALTERNATIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION for the purpose of adding Commissioners to Commission on Common Ownership Communities; providing for the terms and geographical requirements of Commission members; providing for certain powers; providing for certain definitions; providing for alternative dispute resolution and the exhaustion of administrative remedies; providing for a request for relief from a stay; providing for acceptance of jurisdiction of complaints; providing for the production of evidence; providing for mediation and dismissal before a hearing; providing for a hearing panel; providing for an administrative hearing; providing for the settlement of disputes and assistance to parties; and generally relating to alternative dispute resolution in common ownership communities.

      The public hearing for this Council Bill was held.

    4. Third Reading
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING THE CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the Classification Plan of the County to reallocate the grade for a certain class of work.

      The public hearing for this Council Bill was held.

    5. Agenda Ready
      Consent Agenda


      A motion was made by Council Member Watson, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Consent Agenda be adopted. The motion carried by the following vote:

    6. Agenda Ready

      County Council Minutes dated July 16, 2024

      These Minutes were approved.

    7. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING CONTRACT APPROVALS for the purpose of approving a multiyear contract in accordance with the Prince George’s County Charter and Subtitle 10 of the Prince George’s County Code.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey and Hawkins and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

    8. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING TRANSPARENCY IN LAW ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNTABILITY for the purpose of delineating the current practices and understandings utilized to implement Section 2-537 and to ensure a consistent interpretation and clarifying that the law applies to both on-duty and off-duty conduct, aligning with the law enforcement general order.

      This Council Bill was presented by the Chair by the request of the County Executive and referred to the Health, Human Services and Public Safety Committee.

    9. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (“PILOT”) AGREEMENT FOR THE HIGHLANDS SENIOR APARTMENTS for the purpose of approving the terms and conditions of a Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOT”) Agreement between Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) and Highland Senior Living, LLLP (the “Owner”).

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Blegay, Watson and Dernoga and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    10. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING HOUSING INVESTMENT TRUST FUND (“HITF”) FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of committing and allocating the amount of two million, five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) in Prince George’s County Housing Investment Trust Fund (“HITF”) Program funds to The Highlands Senior Apartments project, an eligible activity, for gap financing of new affordable rental housing construction.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Blegay, Watson, Oriadha and Dernoga and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    11. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING HOMESTEAD PROPERTY TAX CREDIT for the purpose of establishing the homestead property tax credit for the County property tax for the taxable year beginning July 1, 2025, as required by State law.

      This Council Bill was presented by the Chair by the request of the County Executive and referred to the Government Operations and Fiscal Policy Committee.

    12. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2025 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2025 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development by adding eligible Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) Program activities not originally funded or described in the FY 2025 Annual Action Plan, and the reprogramming and reallocation of eight hundred twenty thousand, six hundred one dollars ($820,601) in Community Development Block Grant (“CDBG”) Program funds from the County FY 2020, FY 2021, FY 2022, and FY 2023 Annual Action Plans funds to support the activities.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Blegay, Watson and Oriadha and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    13. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2025 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2025 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development by adding the New Carrollton - Affordable - Phase 3 - 9% project, an eligible activity not originally funded or described in the FY 2025 Annual Action Plan, and the reprogramming and reallocation of two million, seven hundred fifty thousand dollars ($2,750,000) in HOME Investment Partnerships (“HOME”) Program funds from the FY 2019, FY 2022, FY 2023, and FY 2024 Annual Action Plans to support the New Carrollton - Affordable - Phase 3 - 9% project.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Olson, Watson, Blegay and Dernoga and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    14. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES (“PILOT”) AGREEMENT FOR THE NEW CARROLLTON - AFFORDABLE - PHASE 3 - 9% PROJECT for the purpose of approving the terms and conditions of a Payments in Lieu of Taxes (“PILOT”) Agreement between Prince George’s County, Maryland (the “County”) and Urban Atlantic Development LLC (the “Owner”).

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Olson, Watson, Blegay and Dernoga and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    15. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING FISCAL YEAR (“FY”) 2025 ANNUAL ACTION PLAN FOR HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Fiscal Year (“FY”) 2025 Annual Action Plan for Housing and Community Development by adding the Pathway to Purchase Program, an eligible activity not originally funded or described in the FY 2025 Annual Action Plan, and the reprogramming and reallocation of one million dollars ($1,000,000) in HOME Investment Partnerships (“HOME”) Program funds from the FY 2023 Annual Action Plan to support this project.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Oriadha, Hawkins, Dernoga, Watson and Blegay and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    16. Adopted

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING WORLD CAR FREE DAY 2024 for the purpose of expressing Prince George’s County’s support for declaring September 22, 2024, as World Car Free Day in Prince George’s County.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Watson, Olson, Oriadha, Dernoga, Hawkins and Burroughs.

    17. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING LANDLORD-TENANT - SECURITY MEASURES AND SECURITY EQUIPMENT for the purpose of amending provisions of the Prince George’s County Code to provide for a certain definition; to require certain security measures and security equipment for Garden Style Apartments; delaying a certain implementation date of the provisions of this Act; providing for the effective date of this Act; and generally regarding landlord-tenant security measures and security equipment.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Blegay and Hawkins and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    18. Adopted

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN SAFETY WORKGROUP for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the School Pedestrian Safety Workgroup.

      A motion was made by Chair Ivey, seconded by Council Member Olson, that this Resolution be amended. The motion carried by the following vote:

    19. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING NOISE CONTROL for the purpose of clarifying the County noise policy; providing for a certain definition; providing for maximum allowable noise levels; repealing waivers and certain regulations and fees for noise level and noise disturbance standards for construction; repealing certain exceptions; providing for certain exemptions; providing for increased penalties; providing for changes for certain civil citation; and generally regarding noise control.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Dernoga and referred to the Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee.

    20. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING LAND BANK AUTHORITY OF PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY for the purpose of amending the Prince George’s County Code to establish the Land Bank Authority of Prince George’s County in accordance with the Annotated Maryland Code to acquire, manage, maintain, and repurpose blighted, abandoned, and distressed properties in Prince George’s County and have other powers and authority conferred by Maryland law upon land banks generally.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Blegay and Oriadha and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    21. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING SHORT-TERM RENTALS for the purpose of requiring the Department of Permitting, Inspections and Enforcement to maintain an on-line searchable public database of all licensed short-term rentals in the County; requiring certain database information; and generally regarding short-term rentals.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Watson and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    22. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFF-STREET PARKING AND LOADING - OFF-STREET PARKING SPACE STANDARDS for the purpose of setting the minimum number of parking spaces with electric vehicle (EV) charging stations for newly constructed multifamily and commercial developments; minimum required EV-Ready spaces in new multifamily developments; and minimum required parking spaces with accessible EV charging stations.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Members Ivey, Blegay and Harrison and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    23. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING WOODLAND AND WILDLIFE HABITAT CONSERVATION ORDINANCE for the purpose of revising the validity and grandfathering and notification requirements in the existing subtitle.

      This Council Bill was presented by the Chair by the request of the Planning Board and referred to the Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee.

    24. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING REGULATION OF INVASIVE BAMBOO for the purpose of regulating invasive bamboo, and generally relating to the regulation of invasive bamboo.

      This Council Bill was presented by Council Member Dernoga and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    25. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING THE PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY CODE (2023 EDITION) for the purpose of adopting and publishing the 2023 Edition of the Prince George’s County Code.

      This Council Bill was presented by Chair Ivey and Vice Chair Harrison and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    26. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SUBTITLE 27 - THE ZONING ORDINANCE for the purpose of adopting and publishing the 2023 Edition of the Zoning Ordinance of Prince George’s County, Maryland, being also Subtitle 27 of the Prince George’s County Code.

      This Council Bill was presented by Chair Ivey and Vice Chair Harrison and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    27. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING SUBTITLE 24, SUBDIVISIONS for the purpose of adopting and publishing Subtitle 24, Subdivisions, of the 2023 Edition of the Prince George’s County Code.

      This Council Bill was presented by Chair Ivey and Vice Chair Harrison and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    28. Agenda Ready
      Agenda Letter

      Proposed letter to Peter A. Shapiro, Chair, Prince George’s County Planning Board, regarding Proposed Reservation of Land for US 301 (F-10) alignment Renewal Christian Center Preliminary Plan of Subdivision, 4-23012.

      This Agenda Letter was removed from the agenda.

    29. Final


      This Briefing was held.

    30. introduction and referral

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS, PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY POLICE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION SALARY SCHEDULE P, SCHEDULE OF PAY GRADES for the purpose of amending the Salary Plan of the County to reflect the terms of the labor agreement by and between Prince George’s County, Maryland and the Prince George’s County Police Civilian Employees Association (PCEA).

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Ivey, Hawkins, Dernoga, Watson, Blegay, Olson and Oriadha and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    31. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - PRINCE GEORGE'S COUNTY POLICE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION for the purpose of approving the labor agreement by and between Prince George's County, Maryland and the Prince George's County Police Civilian Employees Association to provide for wages and certain other terms and conditions of employment for personnel classifications initially certified by the Prince George's County Public Employee Relations Board and amended by the Office of Human Resources Management from time to time.

      This Council Bill was presented by the Chair by the request of the County Executive and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    32. Presentation and referral
      Council Bill

      AN ACT CONCERNING TRANSITIONAL PROVISIONS-EXTENSION OF TIME FOR ACCESS TO PRIOR SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS for the purpose of amending the time for applications to be approved and considered under the prior Subdivision Regulations from two (2) years to three (3) years, or from April 1, 2024, to April 1, 2025

      This Council Bill was presented by Chair Ivey and Vice Chair Harrison and referred to the Committee of the Whole.

    33. Agenda Ready

      County Council Minutes dated September 3, 2024

      These Minutes were approved.

    34. Adopted

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN SAFETY WORKGROUP for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the School Pedestrian Safety Workgroup.

      This Resolution was introduced by Council Members Olson, Burroughs, Hawkins, Dernoga, Oriadha and Watson.

    35. Adopted

      A RESOLUTION CONCERNING THE EXTENSION OF TIME FOR THE SCHOOL PEDESTRIAN SAFETY WORKGROUP for the purpose of extending the reporting time for the School Pedestrian Safety Workgroup.

      A motion was made by Council Member Olson, seconded by Council Member Watson, that the rules be suspended for this Resolution. The motion carried by the following vote:
