City Council20 matters
- Agenda ReadyStrategic SupportAppointment of Vice Mayor.
Approve the appointment of Councilmember Pam Foley as Vice Mayor. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-010, City Organizational and Administrative Activities resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Mayor)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyClosed Session AgendaClosed Session Agenda
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaAmendment to the Lease and Specialized Aviation Service Operations Agreement with SJC Hangars, LLC.
Approve the first amendment to the lease and specialized aviation service operations agreement between the City of San José and SJC Hangars LLC (dba Sky Harbour) to include provisions to address potential construction delays if the required approvals and associated environmental review to build additional hangar space are not received within the first two years of the executed agreement. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Airport)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- AgreementOpen Agreement
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaReport on Bids and Award of Contract for the 10293-Sanitary Sewer Repairs Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Package II Project.
(a) Report on bids and award of contract for the construction of 10293-Sanitary Sewer Repairs Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Package II Project, to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder, Nor-Cal Pipeline Services, Inc., in the amount of $3,368,542; and (b) Approve a 10% contingency in the amount of $336,854. CEQA: Exempt, File No. ER23-189, CEQA Guidelines Sections 15301(b) Existing Facilities and 15302(c) Replacement or Reconstruction. Council Districts 3, 5 and 6. (Public Works)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaActions Related to the 2024 California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Grant.
(a) Adopt a resolution accepting the 2024 California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Grant in the amount of $950,000; and authorize the City Manager or her designee to execute any grant agreements, amendments, and all related documents, including online certifications at time of award acceptance and reimbursement requests, without further City Council action. (b) Adopt the following 2024-2025 Appropriation Ordinance and the Funding Sources Resolution amendments in the General Fund: (1) Establish the Internet Crimes Against Children State Grant 2024-2025 City-Wide Expenses appropriation to the Police Department in the amount of $759,783; and (2) Increase the estimate for Revenue from the State of California by $759,783. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-004, Government Funding Mechanism or Fiscal Activity with no commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. (Police/City Manager)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaAcceptance of the Bureau of Justice Assistance Fiscal Year 2024 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Grant.
(a) Adopt a resolution accepting the 2024 Bureau of Justice Assistance National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative in the amount of $2,500,000 and authorizing the City Manager or her designee to execute the Grant Agreement, additional amendments, and all related documents, including online certifications at time of award acceptance and reimbursement requests, without further City Council action. (b) Adopt the following Appropriation Ordinance and Funding Sources Resolution Amendments in the General Fund: (1) Establish the 2024 National Sexual Assault Kit Initiative City-Wide Expenses appropriation to the Police Department in the amount of $702,138; and (2) Increase the estimate for Revenue from Federal Government by $702,138. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-004, Government Funding Mechanism or Fiscal Activity with no commitment to a specific project which may result in a potentially significant physical impact on the environment. (Police/City Manager)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaApproval of Exception to the City Council Multifamily Housing Revenue Bond Policy and Authorizing the Finance Department to Hold Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1986 Public Hearings.
Adopt a resolution: (a) Authorizing exceptions to the City Council’s Multifamily Housing Revenue Bond Policy, City Council Policy 1-16, for the issuance of Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds due to special circumstances, thereby allowing the California Municipal Finance Authority to issue the bonds for the following developments: (1) Paseo Senter I, located at 1898 Senter Road; (2) Moreland Apartments, located at 4375 Payne Avenue; and (3) Eden Palms Apartments, located at 5398 Monterey Road. (b) Authorizing the Director of Finance to hold the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act public hearings for Paseo Senter I, Moreland Apartments, and Eden Palms Apartments upon the receipt of California Debt Limit Allocation Committee debt allocations and the California Municipal Finance Agency’s recycled bond allocations. CEQA: Paseo Senter I, Moreland Apartments, and Eden Palms Apartments: Categorically Exempt, File No. ER24-246 (Exemption for Housing Rehabilitation Projects), CEQA Guidelines Section 15301, Existing Facilities. (Housing/Finance)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaActions Related to the Purchase Orders with Tom Lopes Distributing, Inc. dba Western States Oil Co. and Bosco Oil, Inc. dba Valley Oil Company for Fuel and Petroleum Products.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to negotiate and execute purchase orders with Tom Lopes Distributing, Inc., dba Western States Oil Co. (San José, CA) and Bosco Oil, Inc., dba Valley Oil Company (Mountain View, CA) for fuel and petroleum products to extend services for one additional one-year option term for a total of ten options through January 31, 2026, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/ Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaActions Related to the Purchase Orders with FFBH Motors, LLC and Sunnyvale Ford, Inc. for Ford Repairs, Maintenance, and Parts.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to: (a) Amend purchase orders OP 65806 with FFBH Motors, LLC (Santa Clara, CA), and OP 65807 with Sunnyvale Ford, Inc. (Sunnyvale, CA), for Ford repairs, maintenance, and parts to increase the total compensation by $500,000, for a maximum compensation not-to-exceed $1,200,000 for the period ending October 1, 2025; and (b) Exercise up to six one-year options to extend the term of the purchase orders with the last option ending on or about October 1, 2031, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/ Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaAmendment to the City Pay Plan for Various Classifications.
Adopt a resolution amending the City of San José Pay Plan effective January 28, 2025, to: (a) Create the following classifications: (1) Chief Water Systems Operator U (3649) with an annual pensionable salary range of $146,000.00 - $220,000.00; and (2) Chief Park Ranger (2429) classification with an annual pensionable salary range of $131,060.80 - $159,723.20. (b) Approve the following position change in the Environmental Services Department: (1) Add 1.0 Chief Water Systems Operator. (c) Approve the following position changes in the Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services Department: (1) Delete 1.0 Parks Manager; and (2) Add 1.0 Chief Park Ranger. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-008, General Procedure and Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (Environmental Services/Human Resources/Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services/City Manager)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaMaster Consultant Agreement with Woodard & Curran, Inc. for Water Supply Support Services.
Adopt a resolution to approve a three-year term master consultant agreement with Woodard & Curran, Inc. for as-needed water supply support services, with a total agreement amount not to exceed $800,000, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-002, Consultant services for design, study, inspection, or other professional services with no commitment to future action. (Environmental Services)
- AgreementOpen Agreement
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaMaster Consultant Agreement with Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, Inc. for Water Supply Support Services.
Adopt a resolution to approve a three-year term master consultant agreement with Luhdorff & Scalmanini Consulting Engineers, Inc. effective January 1, 2025, for as-needed water supply support services, with a total agreement amount not to exceed $800,000, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-002, Consultant services for design, study, inspection, or other professional services with no commitment to future action. (Environmental Services)
- AgreementOpen Agreement
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaPrevention, Awareness, and Wellness Support Program for the Bureau of Field Operations in the San José Police Department.
Adopt a resolution approving the terms of a Side Letter Agreement between the City of San José and the San José Police Officers’ Association for the implementation of the Prevention, Awareness, and Wellness Support Program in the San José Police Department’s Bureau of Field Operations effective as soon as practicable. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment). (City Manager)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaTerms of a Side Letter Agreement Between the City of San José and the City Association of Management Personnel and Amending the City of San José Pay Plan.
Adopt a resolution: (a) Approving the terms of a Side Letter Agreement with the City Association of Management Personnel, IFPTE, Local 21 (CAMP) to provide employees in the Senior Hazardous Materials Inspector classification with an approximate 15.75% pensionable base pay increase consistent with the Side Letter Agreement that all parties have signed; and (b) Amending the City of San José Pay Plan effective February 2, 2025, to increase the pensionable salary range of the classifications of Senior Hazardous Materials Inspector (2323) to $130,998.40 - $159,681.60 annually. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-010, General Procedure and Policy Making resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (City Manager)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- ResolutionOpen Resolution
- Agenda ReadyConsent AgendaActions Related to the Purchase Order with Hi-Tech Emergency Vehicle Service, Inc. for Fire Apparatus Repairs, Preventative Maintenance, and Parts.
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to: (a) Amend purchase order OP 65674 with Hi-Tech Emergency Vehicle Service, Inc. (Oakdale, CA), for fire apparatus repairs, preventive maintenance, and parts to increase the total compensation by $1,650,000, for a maximum compensation not-to-exceed $2,000,000 for the period ending October 14, 2025; and (b) Exercise up to six one-year options to extend the term of the purchase order with the last option ending on or about October 14, 2031, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/ Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance)
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyStrategic SupportAnnual Report on City Services 2023-2024.
Accept the Annual Report on City Services for 2023-2024. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action. (City Auditor)
- Annual ReportOpen Annual Report
- Agenda ReadyStrategic SupportInterim Appointment to Council District 3.
[Placeholder] CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-010, City Organizational and Administrative Activities resulting in no changes to the physical environment. (City Clerk)
- Letters from the PublicOpen Letters from the Public
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyTransportation & Aviation ServicesAirport Parking Garage and Surface Lot Management Services at the San José Mineta International Airport. - TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITEM 10.1
Adopt a resolution authorizing the City Manager or her designee to: (a) Negotiate and execute the third amendment to the existing agreement with SP Plus Corporation (Chicago, IL) for Airport Parking Garage and Surface Lot Maintenance Services at San José Mineta International Airport; (b) Increase the maximum compensation by $32,172,222 resulting in an increase of the total not to exceed amount from $25,157,809 to $57,330,031, subject to the appropriation of funds; (c) Negotiate and execute amendments and/or change orders with a not-to-exceed amount for contingencies of $3,217,222 for unanticipated changes such as changes to the list of parking facilities, service levels, and in-scope augmentations to the service offerings, subject to the appropriation of funds; and (d) Extend the term of the agreement and exercise five additional one-year option terms, resulting in a total of five one-year options to extend the potential term of the agreement starting on February 1, 2025 and ending on or about January 31, 2030, subject to the appropriation of funds. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-003, Agreements/Contracts (New or Amended) resulting in no physical changes to the environment. (Finance/Airport) TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER ITEM 10.1
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- Agenda ReadyLand Use Consent AgendaC23-118 & H23-035 - Conforming Rezoning and a Site Development Permit for Certain Real Property Located at 130 Stockton Avenue. - TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSENT
(1) Adopt a resolution adopting an Addendum to the Downtown Strategy 2040 Final Environmental Impact Report, in accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, as amended. (2) Approve an ordinance rezoning that certain real property of an approximately 1.72-gross-acre site located on the northeasterly side of Stockton Avenue approximately 230 feet northwest of West Santa Clara Street (130 Stockton Avenue; APN: 259-28-046) from the A(PD) Planned Development Zoning District to the DC Downtown Primary Commercial Zoning District. (3) Adopt a resolution approving, subject to conditions, a Site Development Permit to allow the conversion of approximately 22,051 square feet of existing upper-level commercial space into 16 new multifamily residential units (including 10 live/work units) within an existing seven-story mixed-use residential building on an approximately 1.72-gross-acre site. CEQA: Addendum to the Downtown Strategy 2040 Final Environmental Impact Report. Council District 6. (Planning, Building and Code Enforcement) TO BE HEARD IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSENT
- MemorandumOpen Memorandum
- (1) ResolutionOpen (1) Resolution
- (2) OrdinanceOpen (2) Ordinance
- (3) ResolutionOpen (3) Resolution
- Agenda ReadyApproval of Council MinutesApproval of City Council Minutes.
(a) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of December 5, 2023. (b) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of January 9, 2024. (c) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of January 30, 2024. (d) Regular City Council Meeting Minutes of February 27, 2024. CEQA: Not a Project, File No. PP17-009, Staff Reports, Assessments, Annual Reports, and Informational Memos that involve no approvals of any City action.
- (a) 12/5/23 CC MinutesOpen (a) 12/5/23 CC Minutes
- (b) 1/9/24 CC MinutesOpen (b) 1/9/24 CC Minutes
- (c) 1/30/24 CC MinutesOpen (c) 1/30/24 CC Minutes
- (d) 2/27/24 CC MinutesOpen (d) 2/27/24 CC Minutes